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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. Just an observation -- the problems vary from unit to unit. For example, my first -19 is great, no problems. The second one I just received was, well, I already posted about it. Could there be a bad batch of these released? 12/22/06 YF-19 just fine. 01/19/07 YF-19 with fuselage breakage, and broken pinky (LH)
  2. I just discovered something else, the pinky finger on the Battroid's left hand has a nice little stress mark. Keep in mind, this thing hasn't even gone a through a full transformation -- I just now folded out the hands. edit: the pinky is not hanging on by a thread; I bent it back, and it's functional, for now.
  3. I already filed down the tabs, so there's no longer a gap for me to take a picture of. The square tabs on my -19 seemed to have what is most closely described as casting flash on model kit parts.
  4. I just saw this film at a theater in my area. I will say I laughed, I cried, and I kissed $8 U.S. good-bye. For those that have yet to waste their time with this film, let me just warn you that it sucks, bad. What's wrong with it? Here's my top three: 1. The script sucks -- the dialogue at times is horrible/knee-slapping, Hee-Haw funny. 2. Exclamations that don't jive with what's happening on screen (example: "I can't lock on." followed by missle locks on multiple targets.). 3. Bright white backgrounds for the space ship bridges to avoid having to draw in details; ride armor (sorry, "Cyclone") not shown to transform -- you get riders on the bikes, followed by a cut to after transformation. There are many more examples of just my top three criticisms. Anyway, the poor RT people who were there did not like me much. Another funny: "What will we do with no protoculture for fuel?" My suggestion (out loud) was to use the magic crude oil used in the film Water World.
  5. I knew this one would be trouble, when I noticed a gap, similar to the nose-gear-down gap on the 1/48 scale VF-1 fuselage. Clearly, the fuselage hinge pieces on my new -19 were stressed before transformation.
  6. I did. My second YF-19 arrived today, and I wanted to see if the dreaded fuselage separation was more difficult -- it was. I encountered far more resistance than I ran into on my first -19. I got the difficult parts separated, then I reconnected them, noticing the square locking peg was too long, causing the gray plastice hinge piece to distort. Anyway, upon disconnecting the pieces the second time (with experience), the hinge piece cracked. I can fix this, but it sucks.
  7. Actually, I did not poke holes in the tape -- I let the mounting pegs put an indention in the tape; this helps to take up the slack, which causes the problem in the first place. I think the tape thickness will vary, depending on how crooked the gunpod sits on your particular -19. It seems some people have more of a crooked problem than others. I just cut a thin strip of electrical tape and wrapped the gunpod handle 3 to 4 times, maybe less -- you'll have to experiment. As far as tape width, I cut the tape strip so that it does not go beyond the two gunpod holes.
  8. Just to be clear, none of the links I posted contain my own work. I'm blown away by the creative talents of those who contributed to that Fan Works forum thread, and I never get tired of looking at them. Again, it's worth it to look through all 19 pages of that thread.
  9. Wicked Ace

    Please Read

    There's a lot of love (or at least "loce") here tonight.
  10. Congrats! I hope to experience something similar, someday, by obtaining a 1/55 Strike Valkyrie -- a gem I've wanted since childhood.
  11. It would be cool, but this is a -19 thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ost&id=5966 http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...-may-page-5.jpg
  12. I wouldn't mind a VF-X color seheme version. Of course, I'd like to see many of the -19 schemes in this thread; it's worth looking at every page: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...amp;hl=official Some of my favorites: http://homepage.mac.com/grant_little/.Pict...-19_SVF-111.jpg http://homepage.mac.com/grant_little/.Pict...roject_Hill.jpg http://homepage.mac.com/grant_little/.Pict...s/VF-19_F-2.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...june02page5.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...ost&id=5955 http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazi...une02page18.jpg
  13. My YF-19 has endured a couple of nasty crashes, falling at least 4 feet from the ground -- through no fault of my own (just for the record). The -19 seems pretty solid.
  14. I need a 1/55 scale Bandai VF-1S head and clip-on heatshield. Also, I'm looking for a 1/48 scale Skull squadron heatshield. PM me if you got any to sell. For those who don't venture into the Wanted forum, I have a thread there, too: Need Head
  15. I remember it, and I'll remember it again when Yamato gives us a 1/60 scale version. Want to paint it for me?
  16. The -0S is a good looking bird. Is this one a commissioned project or yours to keep? Anyway, please find a way to show us your other non-Macross projects, too. Can't wait to see the -1J and GPB set.
  17. You're lucky. When I was in college, my Macross choices were second hand 1/55 Jetfire or Joon's knock-offs. The Bandai and Takatoku offerings were WAY out of my price range at the time.
  18. You mentioned you're college educated -- you'll be OK.
  19. I'd say, "Let's get ready to rumble," but I don't want to get sued by Bruce Buffer.
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