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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. While Graham is correct, it should be noted that the glue is minimal.
  2. Search function be damned, you're trully a member among members.
  3. I believe it's the assembly process that is to blame. As evidence, I've attached a picture of the Yamato employee in charge of securing the battroid heads in place.
  4. I just can't resist mentioning this. Please ask Yamato to not release any more Valkyries with crooked skulls. I have the following VF-1 Valkyries with crooked skulls: Roy Stealth Kakizaki Hikaru -1A
  5. Speaking as someone who consumes copious amounts of alcohol the attached picture was a definite buzz-kill. How this could not affect transformation is beyond me. Well, some might think the removable fuselage is a cool mod.
  6. I agree. What's wrong with the 1/60 scale VF-1S head? Looks spot-on to how it appears in DYRL.
  7. I feel better knowing you're going to bring evidence of the problem to the meeting. I agree the stress marks don't affect the ability to transform -- it's when the stress marks turn into cracks, that the real problems arise. A stress mark is just a prelude to a break. Hopefully, Yamato gives you a replacement for your stressed -19.
  8. There's enough people who have posted up with stressed/broken critical part assemblies which makes this more than a "minor" or isolated problem. Sure, there's a statistics argument to be made, pointing to number of units sold vs. number of reported problems, but let's get real -- not everyone who has one or more of these -19s posts replies in the forums and may not even be aware Macrossworld.com exists. Obviously, the fuselage problem has appeared on Yamato's radar already, as Yamato's site has a clarified explanation of how to "break" the fuselage apart for transformation. Also, it appears (at least to me) from the pictures Yamato has used that the -19 shown has stress marks on the very parts in question. Oh, and Graham -- no stress marks on your 19s?
  9. The cracks have greatly affected a number of members' transformations. Also, even though the stress marks are in "non visible" areas, it's important to remember that they signify a problem and are like cancer, which is also non visible. Us -19 owners appreciate you bringing this to Yamato's attention.
  10. I was never a fan of the VF-1, but recently the design has won me over. After seeing the pictures of this jaw-dropping build up, I am envious.
  11. With all due respect, "a little force" does not go well with this particular toy. The relief on the landing gear strut is not notched enough on either of my -19s to allow proper deployment of the landing gear. If I forced the strut to splay out, the result would be a stressed (or split) pivot piece. Sure any stress marks on the landing gear pivot would not be too visible; however, cancer isn't too visible either, and I'd rather not have either it or stress marks. The attached picture shows the insufficient "relief" area on the strut -- not enough of a notch. Also, the picture shows the pegs that hold the pivot halves together; with the soft plastic used, I would not want to force the strut to splay outward for fear of breaking these pegs.
  12. Wicked Ace

    Please Read

    Hey, as you know Macross toy collecting is an expensive hobby, so certain measures must be taken by some to afford a Macross toy fix. One cannot survive on Ramen noodles alone. Admittedly, I have never gone "McTrash'n," but I can honestly say that I would have eaten out of a dumpster every day to get the Macross toy offerings available to fans today. I did well for myself, back in the day, to get a Jetfire and a Joon's Valkyrie.
  13. Wicked Ace

    Please Read

    McTrash'n: when the McDonald's restaurant closes, the procedure is to take all of the heat-lamp-warmed food left over, place the food (containers/wrappers and all) into trash bags, then place it in the dumpster; go get the trash bags out of the dumpster and enjoy heat-lamp-warmed, processed, artery clogging food for free! Note, the food is just fine, because the burgers are thrown away in their boxes, sealed/tied in a trash bag, so the food never touches the rest of the dumpster refuse. I learned so much in college.
  14. Wicked Ace

    Please Read

    I find this offensive. I do not have stubby fingers.
  15. Auto Pilot Off's Stealth looks really good. If you want a more toned down panel line here's another option:
  16. Wicked Ace

    Please Read

    I'd reconsider this statement, if I were you. It doesn't seem fair or particularly well thought out.
  17. I think all who have posted in this thread have done a good job of keeping it a No-hate'n zone. Like the rest of you, I hope Yamato makes it right with the busted -19 owners. Let's give Graham a chance to discuss this with Yamato.
  18. I'm just now getting into the Macross video games, so I'm really interested in this.
  19. I hope the "Major problem" thread I started will be of use. Please tell us if more (or more clear) pictures are necessary.
  20. I don't think he was "hatin"; I believe he was referring to Yamato making a fix available, just like what Yamato has stated to Graham they will do for the VF-0 owners. I hope he is right.
  21. I hope Yamato will recognize this as a legitimate problem and take care of it, as apparently Yamato plans to do for VF-0 owners.
  22. Wicked Ace

    Please Read

    Maybe not. I'd be curious to see if NB4M's parts are better than Yamato's replacements. It seems they'll be easier (or at least faster) to get in the USA.
  23. I hope Yamato will address the -19's breakage problem as well.
  24. Wicked Ace


    Thanks -- I did pick up on the micro missle thing, as I thought it unfair that a Ghost was coming after me while I was in a VF-1! Any tips on gameplay are greatly appreciated. edit: Does the rank at the end of each mission mean anything? So far, I'm a "C" pilot, so I want to know if I'm missing out on locked Valkyries or anything else.
  25. An arm problem? Please take a picture for us, when you can.
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