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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. Those Yamato pieces look pretty interesting. I wonder how easily that gold trim comes off.
  2. I thought you weren't buying anymore toys. Oh, and that CG model looks great.
  3. I remember building that kit as a child. The articulation is great. I agree the Toynami 1/100 scale VF-1 Valkyries aren't bad -- they're pretty cheap.
  4. The red visor is something I'd have liked, but I can't make it look right. If the visor is to be red, I want it to match the other red tinted parts -- I don't know how to do this. If there are any members that do know how, I'd be grateful for some instruction.
  5. As always with any custom I post pics of, you can place in the MW custom toy gallery. However, I do intend to follow the directions spelled out in the pinned "What Customs . . ." thread; a friend of mine, who is a way better photographer (and has a way better camera), has promised to take photos of this custom. When he follows through, I'll post the "good" photos in the appropriate thread (as per the instructions).
  6. And, thanks to everyone for their kind replies.
  7. Yes, and thank you (again and again) for all your help. What you sent me actually went on a VF-1 "Stealth" of mine; the VF-1 for obvious reasons reminds me of the black F-14 Tomcat. Also, the "Vampires" art appeared on the F-14's replacement, F/A-18E "Super Hornet," so it wasn't much of a stretch for me (in a Macross state of mind) to carry the Vampires theme over to the -19.
  8. Here's thumbing the nose at the General Galaxy (YF-21) people.
  9. "High-speed mode," sort of.
  10. I thought the real-life VX-9 Vampires squadron vertical stailizer art was appropriate for my dark colored -19. I'm glad to finally get the pieces of this one off my table. First off, fighter mode pics:
  11. I'm unaware of any sources that definitively tell us what's what. The -21's foot just has that hole in it, which suggests (at least to me) some kind of "thruster." Foot thrusters aside, I'd like to see how the intakes work on the -21 with all the limbs in the way; I'd love to see the ducting (or "ram air") diagram.
  12. Make me one while you're at it, please.
  13. Wicked Ace

    Lead Paint?

    Whew! I guess we don't have to worry about the Yamato toys, because Yamato doesn't use enough of them.
  14. I there are any members so inclined, scans of the instruction book pages with the character bios might be helpful, too. edit: Since I can't read Japanese, I'm not sure if the character bios tell you what the characters piloted. If not, maybe someone who knows more than I do can post up a list of fighters and their pilots.
  15. Wicked Ace

    Lead Paint?

    I've been eating the paint chips off my Yamato toys for years now, and I ahe ntn been affecteeac 1 beit.
  16. Do not disturbist hit the big ones, but I suggest reading this thread in it's entirety -- it not only spells out the problems and fixes (with pics), but it also has some pretty cool detail-enhancing mods members have posted up. YF-19 Fix/Modificaiton Thread
  17. I was under the impression that the -21's feet have thrusters or something very much like them.
  18. I wish Yamato would sell me one of these non-tampo printed ones -- or better yet, in primer.
  19. Aw, I didn't get the chance to post up anything negative. It's so not fair.
  20. "Battying" isn't a word I've ever used before, but I do look forward to using this statement in a conversation with one of my friends.
  21. IIRC, Dobber's paint scheme was done by hand brushing -- makes it all the more amazing to me.
  22. Cool pics, but the I don't like the cockpit split in the pic I quoted; however, I do like the Cylon Raider battroid face.
  23. Playing VF-X2 really makes me want at least one of these -- that and Dante74's box art.
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