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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. Without stating what these designs are, do you know what these designs are? Also, can you tell us how many new designs are coming?
  2. Maybe if Yamato gets enough thumbs-down feedback for these, the paint schemes will change. I'd be willing to bet comments on message boards like, (and I quote) "It's the suck" sealed the fate of the 1/100 scale VF-0S.
  3. And, you think people are complaining about the box sizes now. . .
  4. Or, The Myung and the Chestless, as an alternate title.
  5. Yeah, Yamato where's my 1/18 scale VF-1?
  6. Off topic, but Tom Baker is my favorite Doctor.
  7. Ah_ah_ah! Special color scheme for the "limited" release, regular color for the regular release. Yamato has to milk the molds.
  8. I bet do not disturbist's Brasso method would make short work of the gold markings. It's interesting that members are willing to change these 25th Anniversary offerings, even though they are "limited." I guess the people who buy them and don't modify them will have a trully rare item.
  9. Uh-oh, I type up one joke, and this thread starts going downhill. Yikes.
  10. I've never seen one of these before -- pretty cool.
  11. I sincerely hope this is not the price you have to pay to bring us the latest information. If it is, then we all owe you a big thanks for "taking one for the team."
  12. I'm with you on this; however, I want a VF-17 Nightmare just as bad.
  13. Since you mentioned "NO STEP," I feel compelled to add my opinion. The "NO STEP" markings have two primary purposes: 1.) fall prevention; and 2.) preventing damage to fragile wing surfaces from tool boxes, etc. being set on them. As for fall prevention, if the moveable surface does not have hydraulic pressure, then the part may give way if stepped on. I'm not so sure the VF-0 and later variable fighters rely on (only?) hydraulics to keep wing surfaces firm. Also, there are recent modern fighter plane examples that have done away with the "NO STEP" markings altogether. As far as damage to wing surface prevention, it's very difficult for me to see the VF-0 and later variable fighter wings being fragile. Going through the Macross timeline, from as early as Macross Zero, we see the VF-0 get thrown onto the wings (see Macross Zero, second episode) with no damage to the wings. Additionally, we get to see aerial manuevers that would arguably rip wings made from conventionall materials apart. Consequently, I think (tedious) application of the "NO STEP" markings goes more to looking realistic than being realistic, so save yourself some time (unless you really like the look of these markings). For those totally not interested in this, please forgive the ramblings of a drunk.
  14. Without confining my comment to any particular Macrossworld member, I believe even the harshest of Yamato's critics really want Yamato to make him/her eat his/her words. Hopefully, it begins with the SV-51.
  15. Ditto. If I ever open a bar/tavern/pub, I'll name it the Crooked Skull.
  16. I like the Regult peeking out from between the shelves.
  17. I just got two sets sent to me.
  18. I know myself and at least one other Macrossworld member would be very interested in this scheme. VF-111 Sundowners
  19. It's going to have to be for the rest of us, too, because Kawamori says gold is the official color -- end of discussion.
  20. I believe it, but I just can't see it. Doing a quick scan of Macross Zero, Episode 2, this pic is a good example of what many, if not all, the close-up shots reveal.
  21. LOL! John Player Special Race Car
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