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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. None of these (at least at the $20K USD and under price) have a turbo. Anyway, if I had to pick from this list, I think I'd take the Mazda 3 as well -- just don't blame me if it breaks down before the Honda choices.
  2. Ah! So, that's what that does. Hey, the -1J is my first Revoltech, so cut me a little slack. edit: In case Mr. March's picture gets pulled, here's mine.
  3. I think this thread has what you're looking for. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=15647
  4. This account is remarkably like my own. My first Macross Valkyrie was a second-hand Jetfire (minus the armor) I got at a local comic book convention. On a trip to California in 1997, I purchased a Joon's Millia type VF-1J in "Korea Town" and paid somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 U.S. for a Bandai "Blazer Valkyrie" at the "Promenade" in Santa Monica, California. I also picked up a couple of green Joon's Valkyries on the same trip. Like Sumdumgai, I was desperate and bought up what I could afford at the time.
  5. The VF-1J Hikaru I ordered from Valkyrie-Exchange (Kevin) arrived at my post office today, according to the tracking info; however, the mail carrier failed to deliver it. I'll need to play with the -1J before I order a -1S. If I do decide to get the -1S, I better not get the crooked skull, or I'll throw it as hard as I can against the wall. Have I ever mentioned that crooked skull markings are a pet peeve of mine?
  6. I believe many of us have come to terms with this.
  7. Has the VF-4G Lightning III been mentioned? I wonder if Graham and Yamato are aware that many would like this.
  8. Although, I've been critical of the 1/60 scale VF-1 offerings by Yamato, I do like the proportions, except for the hip joints -- that's where the sculpt loses me. As for the Banprestos, hey, they're so cheap. So what if they fall apart? I like them for what they are -- cheap, I'm-bored-at-my-computer-in-this-stuffy-office kind of fun. I'll admit, I find it difficult to dislike any Macross offerings, nowadays. I remember when many on Macrossworld.com believed the Macross toy run was nearing its end -- not a good feeling for me.
  9. I thought the "Stealth" release would bring on a string of Blue Roses customs. I don't have a Blue Roses one, but I did change mine up slightly. I wasn't a fan of the "Stealth" scheme when the pre-release pictures were posted, but I've grown to like it.
  10. Best VF-1 Valkyrie toy would have to be, for me, the original release of Yamato's Hikaru -1S or Max -1A, as both were problem free and had straight skulls on the vertical stabilizers. edit: I guess I can add the original release Low Visibility Color -1A.
  11. In addition to a Max -1A, -1S and Cancer107's, I'm a fan of this (physio) guy. Original Thread
  12. The "Stealth" Valkyries shouldn't have any problems. I do take isssue with the skull placement on the vertical stabilizers, but the toys are solid. I doubt you'll regret your purchase.
  13. I agree with the quoted statement. Graham, would you please ask the people at Yamato what the company's plan is, if any, for combatting erectile dysfunction? Thanks.
  14. To be clear, my post was a serious suggestion, not a dig at you or any other member. Just think of the page count!
  15. I hope Graham likes to read. With all that's been typed, hopefully the people at Yamato are willing to listen to Graham for a few hours. By the way, has the VF-4G Lightning III been mentioned?
  16. I'd humbly suggest: Best Things to B!tch About Thread.
  17. After seeing pics of your great collection, I'm surprised by your replies in this thread. Obviously, you're a dedicated fan, so why not go back to where it all started as far as Macross toys go? With your great collection of the new stuff, I'd think you'd want to get some old-school flavor in your displays. From one dedicated fan to another, I enjoy my collection both for the latest/greatest Yamato offerings as well as for the old-school stuff that takes me back;I think you're depriving yourself of the nostalgic pleasure of having the "chunky monkeys" by not getting them, now, while they're still available. Wow, this is turning into a long post. You can still get the "chunky monkeys" for a reasonable price (currently), so I'd suggest that you get them now rather than having regrets, later. Obviously, you've got some money to spend, so I'll humbly suggest, one dedicated fan to another, that you allocate some funds to get the old-school collectables -- you'll be glad you did. Again, looking at the pics of your collection that you've posted, I believe you may have begun the path to being a Macross connoisseur. I still like seeing posts from members who are happy to get a boxed 1/55 scale Elint Seeker, Super Ostrich, or Super/Strike Valkyrie. There's just something about having the old-school stuff -- I hope you'll think about this.
  18. Hurry up and make one for me and post up some pics of the painted Yamato 1/60 scale SV-51.
  19. Yeah, do not disturbist usually has some good input on tweaking Yamato's offerings.
  20. Graham has stated in the not-so-distant past that neither of these are going to happen.
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