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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. I like the red one Chronocidal posted a pic of. Ghostkiller, have fun with the pin striping that goes with the Super Nova scheme.
  2. It has been my experience that decals take a while to get from the maker to one's work table -- like all good things, these take time. So, it's going to be a while before we get to see your Super Nova completed. Anyway, we're looking forward to seeing this.
  3. That makes two of us; when I see a dismantled Macross variable fighter, I think "ooooh!, here comes a custom." I can't wait to see what Kicker 773 has for us to see, too.
  4. Welcome to Macrossworld. Too bad you did not get your Stealth -- keep a constant vigil on the For Sale forum. Off topic, make sure (if you haven't already) to get the complete original SDF Macross box set to go with your Robotech box set. Comparing the original to the Harmony Gold edited version is rather eye-opening.
  5. It's not so scary if you stay on top of the project, instead of doing like me and letting the parts get scattered around for months.
  6. Do you have all the decals for the Supernova scheme in 1/60 scale?
  7. charger69, thanks for the pictures. *Looks like the tampo print enthusiasts will be disappointed in this one -- look at all those stickers. At least this time around, the I hope crooked skulls on the v-stabs won't come from the factory. * edit: Graham states we get tampo printing on the production models.
  8. I like the glossy finish on this one; it looks like it could have been made that way from the factory. Nice job!
  9. If Bandai makes a VF-171, then I hope an adapter for the Yamato display stand is included, since we get to see the VF-171s launching off them in the Macross Frontier pilot episode.
  10. Hope you get better, soon. Meanwhile, I'll do a shot of that cough medicine with you.
  11. The episode of The Simpsons you are referencing sticks in my head for some reason.
  12. Right. Now, get busy churning some of these out for us.
  13. Oh, just go ahead and suggest a Sundowners scheme, so we both can be happy. Member hellohikaru has the right idea. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?act=...st&id=48696 OK, the yellow accents on the VF-X2 scheme are good, too. I'd buy definitely buy a VF-X Ravens version.
  14. Lots of 1/1 scale love for the 1/55 scale warms my heart. I need to make time to refurbish my original Matsuhiro Jetfire (my first nice Macross toy).
  15. Along with the sprouting fuselage, the floating gunpod in the picture Hiriyu posted will be difficult.
  16. The shoulder sliders really kill the "1/72 scale" version for me. Even the too-small-v-stabs and too-short-arms don't get to me as much as the unsightly shoulder sliders. I'm eagerly awaiting both the official announcement and arrival of the 1/60 scale VF-11.
  17. I'm drooling over the pictures posted in the last couple of days. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Yeah, on the die cast metal note, the more die cast metal, the more paint chipping. Yamato's 1/48 scale VF-1 Valkyrie will not disappoint -- don't get too hung up on the little die cast metal it has.
  19. Oooh. . . I so enjoy riding goth chicks (the thin ones).
  20. These are so cool, that I'm really interested in the prospect of custom boxes for some of my own stuff.
  21. This is the one I remember from childhood. Laser Warriors Phantom Intruder
  22. Welcome to Macrossworld; there's always room for one more 1/55 scale (a.k.a. Chunky Monkey) lover. I think Skull-1 is volunteering to help you out. The good news is (and Skull-1 and the others will correct me, if I'm wrong), there are no real "pitfalls-to-avoid" with the Chunky Monkeys. If you can use a screwdriver, you can refurbish one of these. If you post some pictures in this thread of specific areas you want to work on, maybe a few of us can help out.
  23. Yamato needs to hire you. Those box designs are cool.
  24. You are such a tease. Drool.
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