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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. Eh, you're not that important -- especially after I've had as much as I've had to drink. You'd be surprised at what I don't give a crap about, right about now.
  2. Funny you should mention Low Vis Version 1. I was up late/early drinking when I "won" that one. At least the money went to a respected member on these forums.
  3. Oh, is that supposed to be a "taking off" pose? I thought it was an angry "KHAN!" pose.
  4. I have to smack myself in the head. I even took pictures of this thing in Gerwalk mode before I noticed that I shot the arms in the wrong color. The lightest shade gray color I used is Testors brand "Light Aircraft Gray," which, I am out of (had this color for years before I used it). Here's where the aggravation begins -- I go to my favorite hobby (model kit) shop only to find out that it is out of business. This is not a short drive for me. I get on the internet and locate another hobby shop within reasonable distance to me. On my lunch break, I spend 45 minutes, round trip, only to be told that "Light Aircraft Gray" has been discontinued and may have changed names (and ID numbers). :angry: Well, I spot Testors brand 1933 "Camouflage Gray" on the shelf, and this looks very much like the gray I used (of course, I didn't have the battroid leg with me to compare. . . ). The helpful gentleman at the hobby shop suggests, "Why don't you just change from 'Light Aircraft Gray' to another shade." LOL. I AM NOT ABOUT TO STRIP OFF THE IRREPLACEABLE DECALS I'VE APPLIED AND TRY TO GET THE LUCKY RATTLE-CAN FADE I MANAGED THE FIRST TIME just because Testors corporation has changed the name and number of the shade I used. Anyway, "Camouflage Gray" works for me, so now that the arms are the correct color, here's a final round of oil wash: edit: If anyone knows for fact that Testors brand "Light Aircraft Gray" has not been discontinued (and that this hobby shop probably just told me this because it didn't have it), then please do not let me know this for my sanity's sake.
  5. As much as I mention drinking on these forums, in reality I'm not the alcoholic that I seem to be. But, someday I'll be there; it just takes determination. Frank Sinatra once said that he felt sorry for people who didn't drink, because when they woke up in the morning, that was the best they were going to feel all day. edit: As far as Macross collecting goes, if it wasn't for my drinking, I wouldn't have a few choice pieces in my collection. Getting online drunk and visting the MW For Sale forum and/or ebay = bad.
  6. Oh. I thought you meant "sweeten" her up by getting her drunk. Nice collection of goods. I know you feel you're playing "catch up," but this a great time to be a Macross collector, as new toys and model kits (and re-released kits) will be coming soon. Be glad stuff is available. In the not-so-distant past, there were discussions on these boards about no new Macross stuff coming out.
  7. I hope the shoulders on this thing hold up. The shoulder halves, socket, and ball joint have been dipped in Future acrylic. Hopefully, this at least strengthens the shoulder halves/biceps if not totally isolates the reacting materials from one another. Shoulders aside, this is a problem: My solution is to take some material from the surrounding areas, but not too much.
  8. Welcome to Macrossworld. This is looking good so far. Skull-1, those are what I'm talking about!
  9. Macross is what I resort to when I can't sleep. Nice pic -- I like the shadow effect on the -19; it looks like the gold lining is gone.
  10. It's been so long since I've transformed a VF-0 to fighter mode that I had difficulty positioning the shoulder tabs so that the legs would fold up and the arms would sit right, with the hands tucked in. One more pic:
  11. Here's a close-to-finish-but-not-quite fighter mode pic:
  12. The YF-19 Fold Booster & Fast Pack parts set was an impulse buy. I'm trying to get the most out of it. I've made some more progress.
  13. Yup. I'm pretty good with spray cans, although my best work is on the water tower and major freeway overpasses in my town. "Jenny + me" with a heart around it along with various commission work for some gang bangers are some of the stuff I'm most proud of.
  14. No argument with your position, here. I think we've been subject to some fudging when it comes to scale and/or size with these toys. With Yamato's upcoming 1/60 scale VF-1 and yet-to-be-announced 1/60 scale VF-11, I think we're in for a little more fudging.
  15. The gunpod. I did a little dirtying up, but not a whole lot. Hmmm. The gunpods for both the VF-0 and VF-1 aren't weapons that can be reloaded by simply putting in a fresh magazine. It seems to me that these gunpods, like spent spray paint cans, bottles of liquor and girlfriends, would be often tossed aside when they cease to do anything for you, so these things would likely not collect much dust while mounted to the variable fighter. The same, I figure, would be true of the missiles mounted to the hard points on the wings. In wartime, especially when alien invaders are involved, I wouldn't think any combat pilot that survives to fly the next mission would let missiles remain on the hardpoints long enough to get too dirty.
  16. I thought this, too! Always nice to see a familiar face (or screen name as the case may be).
  17. I was here for that discussion, and I agree with the skewed/misproportioned pilot statement. I pointed out the difference in the pilot sizes to illustrate this very point. Also, I'd say (and have said) Yamato is donig the same thing with the scale as far as the VF-11B is concerned. I've had a few drinks and have been exposed to paint fumes in the last few hours, so please forgive me if my replies aren't clear and concise.
  18. Welcome to Macrossworld.com, where we as an online community don't wait until the last minute to despair-- we're the first gather picks and torches, and gripe on these forums.
  19. I was half-way joking with my launch arm post. I was amused by what looks like the t-bar adapter (look at the prongs on it, when the underside of the -171 is shown). The DYRL launch arm grabbed from the top, not the bottom, like what we see in the MF pilot episode.
  20. Are we absolutely sure Yamato won't be making Macross Frontier toys? In the Macross Frontier pilot episode, we get a pretty good view of a VF-171 launching from what appears to be a Yamato display stand, t-bar adapter attachment and all. I can't get a good screen grab; perhaps some member can help me out by posting one.
  21. Thanks for posting that pic. It makes it easier to understand what I'm talking about.
  22. Multi-tone woudl be more accurate, but I think you're seeing the fade from the ghost gray to the light gray. It's kind of obscured from the bright overhead light reflected by the shiny Future coat.
  23. Here's plan B. "Miss Molly" from 1989 to the rescue.
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