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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. I've disagreed with those wanting thicker legs, but I actually would like bigger feet, more like the D-stance version.
  2. I have posability concerns regarding the ittty-bitty feet on Yamato's 1/60 scale -21. Of course, what would this thread be if the D-stance didn't keep popping up?
  3. True dat. However, I'm ugly and like to drive with a goblet full of crunk juice, so visibility isn't my friend. Also, the po-po is always trying to catch me ride'n dirty. I wonder how easy the donk'd rides tip over on turns.
  4. I gotz to figure out how to donk my ride like that! Although, I am a bit concerned as to what effect this will have on my straight-line speed.
  5. Perhaps this is better for the shoulders.
  6. Thankfully, my first release VF-0 shoulders are holding up after a few transformations and general fiddling. Perhaps I should be more kind.
  7. The VF-X license may have you covered on this one; this license doesn't seem to be a problem for Yamato as evidenced by the little VA-3 Invader that will be sold.
  8. I'm not sure if the price is "expensive" as far as other currency, but I do know these are pricey for us members in the U.S. I remember paying $75 U.S. for the reissue Super VF-1S (at a local shop) back in 2004.
  9. This 1/65 scale Bandai VF-17 is way more fun than the 1/72 scale YF-21 -- sad. As flawed as this one is, it's still one of my favorites. Yamato needs to make one properly. LOL @ BoB! As much as I dislike my Yamato 1/72 scale YF-21, I haven't had the urge to pee on it.
  10. Wicked Ace

    Thunder Hammer

    I wish this Will person would hurry up and get to this.
  11. I'm scared of checking to see how my first release VF-0S is doing. Despite my fear, maybe I'll transform/pose this one later on. Not being able to mess with the transformable toy is the same thing, to me, as having it broken, so I might as well have my fun while it lasts.
  12. Yamato's display stand helps with stability. Hopefully, the soon-to-be-released 1/60 scale version can do much more.
  13. Attempting to pose this thing reminds me of the reason I put it back in its box in the first place.
  14. Just for clarification, by (re)posting the -21/-22 side-by-side images, I did not mean to suggest the -22 is supposed to have fatter legs than the -21. I posted the images in hopes of conveying what I meant without relying on my typed words alone. Most of the line art I've seen has the -21/-22 with skinny legs, so I don't see what's wrong with Yamato's 1/60 scale YF-21 sculpt.
  15. The reason for the ambiguity might have something to do with CAFE standards -- mileage versus performance dilemma at this stage. If one were so inclined, I bet Mopar would offer different ring and pinion gearset options for better performance.
  16. http://www.racketboy.com/guides/burn-dream...gler-images.htm
  17. I'll agree with the review on the Macrossworld main site that the game's timer is the only real difficulty. Also, the opening movie is great. Battroid turns too slow, but I use the hell out of the missile fury (X,Y,X,Y,A, if I recall correctly). My Dreamcast is a U.S.A. release, code 1 NTSC U. M3 can be downloaded and burned to a CD to be played on this console.
  18. Slightly thicker from the straight-on view would be OK with me, but not thicker in a way that creates the exaggerated bell-bottom pant look. Thanks to ruskiiVFaussie for posting this side-by-side in another thread: I hate the way the legs are drawn on that VF-22.
  19. This is one of those threads (former) member Agent One would have provided much entertainment in.
  20. It is impossible to please everyone. I want to see more of the 1/60 scale VF-1 stuff, too.
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