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Wicked Ace

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Everything posted by Wicked Ace

  1. So many models -- so overwhelming for a someone new to Gundam.
  2. Yes, this is a Strike Freedom. I am still undecided on a paint scheme, so it may look incomplete for a while.
  3. I made a little progress and managed to fit the "multi-grip" weapon system.
  4. Universes colliding in 1/100 scale: VF-1 Valkyrie vs. work-in-progress Strike Freedom armed with out-of-scale gunpod.
  5. I made a little progress on this thing.
  6. Wicked Ace

    Macross Revoltech

    One for the 1/60 scale toy would be nice, too.
  7. I am enjoying the pictures posted by all members so far. A few of them make me thirsty.
  8. I don't always get to reply, but, as with many work-in-progress threads on Macrossworld, I really like what I've seen in this thread.
  9. That's not bad -- I could live with what you've done. Of course, the angle and close-up make a difference, too.
  10. Wicked Ace

    Thunder Hammer

    Not that anybody likes EXO , but I will try and help him out. If I were in EXO's position, I would have been hesitant to post pics of the Thunder Hammer to all of Macrossworld, knowing that I had no means of making such a "holy grail" item available to everyone. Now, I'm sure his close friends (who live close enough to physically harm him), could probably pressure the builder to do a limited run, but I'm afraid the vast majority of us will have to wait on a means to produce these in quantities. I imagine quoting a price for one of these is difficult, because, as I recall, the builder did not want to/have time to make more of these, meaning this person will have to be offered enough not to be able to resist. Also, I bet this thing costs a fortune, putting it out of reach for many. For those who have commissioned customs, how much does getting a repainted VF-1 cost? Anyway, I am glad EXO decided to show us the picture of this thing. Now, I'll wait and hope to have one, someday.
  11. The old thread was closed do to its size -- that's all. Don't worry about this one getting closed anytime soon, as I contacted a moderator and got the go-ahead to start this thread.
  12. I am the wrong person to ask about Gundam. I just started watching Gundam Seed (on loan from friend). I visited the Gundam Newbie thread in the Anime/Sci-Fi forum as well as Wikipedia for the basic breakdown. As far as what the "mulit-grips" are, the only thing I do know is that they are part of the "Dragoon" weapon system.
  13. I've reached a stopping point. The Wing Unit has some paint and some glue -- more detailing to come.
  14. There are plenty of how-to's posted for all the details/fixes you listed. You're just being lazy. OK, maybe you just have more of a social life than me. Speaking of my lack of a life, I've made fairly good progress on my first Gundam model. The G itself is minty looking at the moment, because I haven't decided if I want to stay with the factory paint scheme.
  15. It is not often that I can post anything of mine in the Model Kits forum. This "Master Grade" kit requires no paint or glue, which was a selling point for me; however, I've gone ahead and used paint and glue (and some sandpaper) anyway. This is still a work-in-progress until I can make up my mind what kind of paint scheme I want to give this thing. Also, I haven't decided whether I want the gold substructure to be more brassy or blingy.
  16. It's Friday night in my part of the world, and instead of taking part in my city's rich nightlife, I'm taking part in nerd_dom, which rhymes with Gundam.
  17. Would someone direct me to any websites with galleries of custom built/painted Gundam models (other than dalong.net)? Thanks in advance.
  18. Wicked Ace

    Thunder Hammer

    Pardon my confusion, but is there more than one 1/48 scale Thunder Hammer? I believed EXO had the only one.
  19. Wicked Ace

    Thunder Hammer

    On the topic of fan support, where's my two-seater VF-1 Valkyrie?
  20. Wicked Ace

    Thunder Hammer

    I pray each night to have one of these! Can't get much more supportive that that.
  21. Wicked Ace

    Thunder Hammer

    "More support for fandom?" WTH?
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