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Everything posted by memnon

  1. I'm inclined to agree.
  2. You mean this these Valkyries? Valkyrie Decoration Page
  3. Hmmm we haven't seen any of these movies. I guess I'm getting old.
  4. Man I wish I had a dollar every time I heard that You CAN do it! Nice work on the X-Wing HWR.
  5. I voted Miria as well
  6. I've read a couple of the strips and just those two were too racist for me. So I'll pass on watching the TV show.
  7. Mine is from Greek mythology.
  8. Hehe don't we all?
  9. Its not hot coffee that burns your tongue, its Harmony Gold.
  10. Shhh!!! Don't speak the twisted language of Mordor! 374982[/snapback] DOH! *covers mouth*
  11. Yes. Because we all know Sean Connery should play everyone. Even the women. 374969[/snapback] LOL! Sean Connery as Captain Gloval:"I'll play your game you rogue!" BTW Pervataru in case you didn't know, "HG" stands for Harmony Gold, the people who made Robotech what it is.
  12. Personally I'd like to see them concentrate on more 1/72 items, like Destroids. Buts thats just me.
  13. I'm a foreman for an electrical contractor. However I'm not an electrician. My division builds networks for computers, phones, TV, Fire Alarm, security etc. Doing a LOT of work in downtown Los Angeles lately.
  14. I don't remember what color I used but it was definitely out of the bottle. I did not reach the stage of custom mixing colors in those years. I actually just started working on Hasegawa's Super VF-1A Fighter mode. I'm trying to see what I can do with the cockpit, lot of scratchbuilding to do there. I also have Hasegawas VF-1S Strike Valkyrie fighter, a regular VF-1J fighter and a weapons set. I've had these for a while but I've been busy working on other projects (WW2 aircraft). You are absolutely correct. I don't know why I said 1/48 when it says 1/72 right on the box. I'll just chalk it up to my being sick at home for the past two days and I wasn't in my right mind. And that VF-0B looks fabulous Grayson72.
  15. Here is a closeup of that cockpit I was so proud of all those years ago. I really had no references back then and I went with what I thought looked cool. The seat is actually removeable completed with a jet nozzle underneath and a hole drilled in the cockpit floor for the nozzle to fit into. Thanks for looking.
  16. Hello all. First time poster but long time lurker here. This thread inspired me to take a picture of my oldest, longest surviving Valkyrie. This is one of the original issue 1985 1/48 Bandai Super Valkyries. I built this thing around 85 or 86, can't really remember. I DO remember that this was one of my very first airbrushed kits. I built several Macross kits back in those days but this was was my crowning acheivement as a model building teen especially because I did a lot of extra work in the cockpit. Of course now this kit looks very dated but back in those days nobody knew anything about pre/post shading and all these other neat tricks that make models look spectacular these days. It has collected its fair share of scuffs and dings but so far it has survived earthquakes, 4 moves and my wife. I *almost* decided to say goodbye to this model when Hasegawa started to release their wonderful new Valkyries a few years ago, but I just didn't have the heart. I also still have the original box and instructions that came with this kit. Thanks for looking.
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