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Everything posted by memnon

  1. You know this is giving me crazy ideas about what I might be able to do with one of the old 1/100 Gerwalk kits. Hmmm.. *ponders*
  2. Heres what I've been working on this past week. My scratchbuilt VF-1 joysticks! All parts are made entirely out of styrene stock. The cockpit itself is coming along a bit slower than I'd like, but hey, whaddayagonnado? Yes they are that tiny.
  3. 1 - Yes 2 - Not sure 3 - Yes - old Arii 1/100 Valkyries only <evil laugh> 4 - Either way 5 - I can do $5 even if its just to help this site out 6 - Did you know that sparrows can grasp a coconut by its husk?
  4. Pretty cool, authentic right down to the red striped shoes! Well done Dana!
  5. I finally reached a point where I stopped collecting toys altogether. I mainly just concentrate on models now. I do have a fairly extensive Star Wars Action Fleet collection though.
  6. That was amusing.
  7. Oh I saw PLENTY of bad English on signs in China. Was pretty amusing.
  8. Us ARMD deck swabbers and Valkyrie heatshield scrubbers aren't doing a very good job, that valkyrie is filthy!
  9. Ahh that is too funny. "The Anime fan knows!"
  10. Lurked around since '01. Finally joined in early '04. Lurked around some more with some posts here and there. I'm a lot more active now.
  11. I never really cared for the show after I noticed he was mostly going to the 40', 50's and 60's decades. I don't know if they ever explained why that was, but I felt it catered too much to the baby boomers. There was a past before the 40s you know. Its true!
  12. I checked out the second link for fun, that Dengeki magazine was found under "Otaku" in the Childrens/Teen magazines. I wonder why "Otaku" is higlighted in orange when no other category is?
  13. Firefox user here - link is plain text. specr0101 - dig those valkyries, keep up the good work!
  14. You know that jacket a few posts above reminded me of this shirt I used to wear when I was a teen.
  15. I voted Max for the same reasons stated above. However Roy came in a very close second. I mean that front view of a roll while firing and drunk was pretty cool.
  16. Thats an interesting version of that song and she has definitely aged well. Thanks for sharing that crasis.
  17. Won't see a cat in my house ever because Mrs. Memnon is deathly scared of cats. Until I met her I have never seen anyone react to cats the way she does. Frightened yelps and screams from her, the cats either just kind of look at her or run away.
  18. The problem here is assuming we would think instead of drooling over neat magazine photos.
  19. Amen brother! While I agree that 'toys' these days are indeed getting better at looks and quality, they are in the end, just toys. However I completely recognize the amazing talents that are out there who customize these toys. Having said that I do own a couple 21st Century Toys' 1/18 scale offerings, a German Panther and a M2A2 Halftrack. Thanks for the nod Noyhauser!
  20. I see someone placed a bid for it.
  21. Looks like its coming along nicely!
  22. I realise I'm digging up an ancient thread here, but what the heck. Heres me and Mr.s memnon in Beijing, summer 2005.
  23. At 37, yeah I'm getting up there.
  24. Its snakes!! on a plane!! You DO understand, yes?
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