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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Yup, I'd love to see a 1/72 VA-3 Bomber. Well, I'd love to see that too.
  2. Definitely Miria (DYRL design, please !), but I don't like her pose nor her outfit on the picture on page 1. To be honest, I prefer Komillia's pose & outfit, but Miria remains my favourite Macross female character. I would prefer no nude figure. IMHO, a figure with some fine lingerie or light sexy outfit and a little bit suggestive pose would be nicer than a 100% nude figure with an explicit pose. Of course, Ryuji could... build a figure with alternate parts (with or without clothes) so everyone would be satisfied, uh ?).
  3. Thanks. A friend of mine sent me the link a few days ago. But I was then seeking for unit markings instead of country markings. Thank you anyway for the link.
  4. I bought them in Japan, in Shinjuku's Yellow submarine store, some 4 or 5 years ago. After some research, I find out they were custom decals made by some guy, who used to have a web site here. But I have not heard of him ever since, nor have I seen any of the other decal sheets he made.
  5. Nice color scheme. I like it ! One of my VF-1J is painted in a gloss black and gun metal scheme with silver stripes. It looks like this :
  6. Only top three options ? Well, let's vote for something unusual (?). 1/ Miria's battleship from the movie at any reasonable scale (probably 1/4000 tomatch Yellow submarine's SDF-1 ?). Actually, all Meltrandi battleships would be even better... 2/ VF-3000 (1/72, fighter mode) 3/ VF-9 (1/72, fighter mode) On second thoughts, these could be released as Garage kits, but I doubt any plastic model manufacturer would release such "minor mecha".
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