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Everything posted by Astro_BS-AS

  1. It´s ok. I didn´t notice at first, but it has a neck that sits in the middle of a gap. And you can even see the back of the wings in the picture posted by the OP. Compared to another Bandai´s (25 - 29) and the vf-17 the head is floating attached to a neck and that´s it... And there´s no "anime-magic" here... it´s all CG. I still don´t know... I was hoping that Bandai could correct that in the CF, but it´s still the same.
  2. Hi guys. I tottally missed the point. I didn´t get it was a custom, so, VERY NICE PAINT JOB ! ! ! The rest of my post, you can forget... my bad. "...I still don´t get the "floating head" in Battroid... blabla"... forget it.
  3. Waiting for my VF-17 to come !

  4. You´re totally right. In 1/48 It would be more than 40 cm in lenght.... More than the 1/60 SV-51 wich is huge... The 1/60 for the newest (and bigger in "real anime life") are a nice scale. But I insist... not so much for the little VF-1 If the VF-0 is based on the F-14, the VF-1 is based on the Panavia Tornado... (for size comparisson)
  5. I don´t agree at all. The 1/60 v2 is great, of course, but it´s great because the V1 is plain bad. Not because is BETTER than the 1/48... If the 1/60 had a different leg clamp (like the upcoming 1/72 bandai) we could agree, but it´s the same as the 1/48, but smaller... To look like a "complete" Valkyrie you have to add pieces of plastic... I´m sorry, but it´s not that great, for me at least. If I may ask, do you have a 1/48 ? wich one? ...
  6. Hi everyone. 1/48 is THE scale for the VF-1. The Valkyrie itself is too small for a 1/60... I know that the V2 1/60 VF-1 is a great model, but even so, the 1/48 "v1.5" is better. I have a VF-1S Hikaru DYRL. The latest version, and it´s amazing. I can´t see the problems with the pylons, or the lenght of the nose. It´s an imposing plane, a menacing gerwalk and a BIG battroid. Side by side to my VF-22s 1/60 and the VF-19Kai 1/60, it´s about the same size. And It´s wonderful. A 1/60 VF-1S just doesn´t fit. At least not the naked versions. The v2 ElintSeeker is amazing in 1/60, but it cost a fortune.... 1/48 FTW. At least for the VF-1. And... of course Arcadia is NOT going to continue the trend. Maybe in a few years... but I can´t see them to redo the molds in the short term... pd. As always, excuse me for my caveman english...
  7. And we won´t stop arguing with you ! Wich is a good thing, btw haha. If I happen to run business in Arcadia I´d try to keep the company mouth as shut as possible to watch the market and check if there´s genuine interest in customers to keep buying the models. Not only the crazy people wich are willing to pay U$S 1000 for a VF-1... but the people who goes to the stores, primary in Japan. If there´s interest, I´ll let the stock runs out, and if the demand keeps rising, relaunching the line. Of course, I don´t run business in Arcadia... Please excuse my caveman-english, btw
  8. Hi everyone. Just a quick question. I´m in Argentina and I´m trying to get a VF-17S. First of all, thanks to some of you who have already helped me in other post regarding the "price to pay").. What I´d like to ask now is regarding to durability. How´s this wonderful piece of engineering is aging? Is getting too lose after almost a year and a half of launched? Personal experiences please? Thanks in advance
  9. 1/60 SDF-1 ... That´s what Arcadia should do... Of couse... it would be a 20 meters model kit... but I´d sell my car with a smile... ha On Topic Voted already. I insist on a series of 1/60 models of Macross The Ride
  10. Hi everyone. 1/72 scale for Macross? No thanks.... I´ve got a Tornado model kit in 1/72, and it´s great because of the extra parts... but the "naked" Valkyrie is almost like a joke... Putting side to side to my V1 VF-25s (yes... I have one and it´s not that bad as you may think) it feels too small. And it IS too small. And that considering that "IRL" the VF-25 is almost 4 meters longer than the VF-1 in Fighter mode, and 3 meters higher in Battroid.... The VF-1 is too small for a decent 1/72 no doubt. Even in 1/60, side to side to the newer Valkyries, is small. Vf-1 length: 14.23m - Height B mode: 12.68m VF-25 length: 18.72m - Height B mode: 15.69m 1/60 for me, please..... Let´s hope Arcadia (or whoever) continues the trend...
  11. Whoaaa... That was a quick answer ! Thanks, guys. Really. Even so I have to mention that I live in Argentina, and shipping costs here are astronomical. Not to mention that we have to pay almost 50% in taxes if we have bad luck on that day for importing fees... And we are so far away from everywhere that orders have to be Folded here ! Haha. But I'll see if I can do something with the price. Really, You've helped me a lot. Thanks again, davidwangchoi and Valkyrie addict Edit. I forgot to mention that the Vf17 is in my dealer house already, so that price already includes shipping... And I'm 10 minutes away ...ha? But I'll think about the price before doing anything....
  12. Hi everyone. Do you think that U$S 250 is a good price for a VF-17S? A dealer near my house have one, and I´m planning on getting it before it´s too late.... But I want your considerations beforehand Thanks in advance
  13. Hey, guys.... It's just a Hasegawa model kit http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG65823/Sci I'm starting to kind of losing hope already.... Why japanese companies can't come clear on that? Are they trying to sell all the stock left before announcing anything maybe?
  14. A little off topic... and to reply skullmilitia Maybe here, in Argentina, someway we could made something right at least once... http://www.robotechvalkyrieproject.com/ Yes... it´s called "Robotech Valkyrie project", but here to get the rights fron HG (That batcave full of bastards... haha) they have to name it that way. At least the trailers are someway inspiring, and it`s a fan project. We`ll see how it turns out...
  15. MacrossJunkie - You´re absolutely right. It seems to be that maybe all of us are a little confused with scales, because of the discrepancies on the total lenght of the Quarter. The total lenght is 472 meters, but the Carrier itself is 257 meters. And to complicate things even more the Gunship (Armd-R) is 227 meters long ! And in the Bandai Quarter (and I´m looking at mine right now) the ARMD-R (Gunship) is way longer than the carrier.... Macross Compendium and Macross Mecha Manual have these figures.... So, even loving it, I´ll admit that the DX Chogokin Quarter is pretty messed up... Pd. MacrossJunkie, your work on the SDF1 is amazing.... I have to say it again and again
  16. Thanks everyone ! I´m planning on try and buy one (here it´s getting quite difficult to buy almost anything) or a VF-17S instead.... we´ll see
  17. Hi For those who already have it, Have Bandai fix the wing loosenes? I know it´s meant to be replaced with the ones with the pylons, but even so, I´d like to know. Thanks in advance
  18. Hi everyone. On Topic I would say that the 1/3000 SDF-1 will be the most wanted and more expensive model in the near future. At least here in Argentina. Sitting close to the VF-4, wich I don´t like very much (the painting an some articulations....), but it´s quite hard to find... Off topic, Do you think that Bandai does that bad of a job making Valkyries? I disagree. Having a VF-25 V1 I know what everybody think.... it´s a little "rough at the edges" to say the least.... but I´ve owned a SV-51 alpha wich, being a gigantic marvelous menacing Valkyrie, wasn´t that good engineering-wise... too much plastic on delicate areas. I can´t say the same of my 1/48 VF-1s reissue... or my VF.-19 Kai wich are wonderful and really made to last, but the lack of detaling is a little frustrating. Here the prices are way too high. And, having a VB-6 König and a Durandal, the engineering and the detail in those models (the same with my Quarter) are AMAZING... I don´t know. I love Yamato... or Arcadia... or whatever, but I wouldn´t mind a SV-51 DX Chogokin in the near future... or a SV-52 for example... Could you imagine a line of models (I won´t call them toys) based on Macross The Ride... Dear God.... Please excuse my english... btw
  19. Hi ! I´ve received mine last friday ! And I trully LOVE IT. It´s really really beautiful to see. And, owning already a VF-25S V1, the structural changes are a joy to see. I have to say that I live in Argentina. Where a Macross "toy" (as you call them) is as pricey as you can barely imagine.... So, you have to work so hard to get one that it´s impossible to not being a little biased... but I don´t do reviews, I´m just a 33 y old child... haha. Even so, I like the Alto scheme a little more. But having already a RED VF-19 Kai, it was time for a Fokker scheme Valkyrie in my collection
  20. Hi everyone. The Quarter is roughly 1/900 I´ve got one, and I don´t think the Valkyries are out of scale.... They are quite little, and beautiful, btw. So are the Vajra, and the Kônig too.... BTW, the Quarter can be put into cruiser mode WITHOUT the stands.... it only need the main stand, and the arms will do the rest. I´ll try take some pictures this afternoon to show you. I really love the Quarter. I don´t know why is so underrated.... And please excuse my very limited english.
  21. @Anubis20 Go ahead . People like us can never have so much of "SDF-1 porn". Great thread to watch and learn Thank you very much, people.
  22. I have one... and its still in one piece. Some superglue here and there (loose articulations) but the plastic is still in good shape. And, if I may say, I do play with my Valkyries... Maybe a faulty batch?
  23. @MacrossJunkie.... I envy you so much... Dear Gosh ! Your work is amazing !
  24. Astro_BS-AS

    Vf-0 vs SV-51

    Hi everyone I´m buying a CF SV-51 today, btw. I´ll tell you later my first impressions when I have it later afternoon I already have some Valkyries, so I think I could say "something" about it
  25. Hi everyone. I´m from Argentina, btw, and there´s one thing I have to say about the name. There´s an inmense Macross community here, and Ms. Mari Iijima was here about a month ago in one of the celebrations for the 30th annyversary. BUT.... Macross, as it is, was never EVER aired here. What we would call "the public" only know Robotech as a series. And that is, maybe, the meaning of the name. There´s no doubt in my mind that the producers LOVE Macross. And gosh if they may love it, that they are working that hard to make it possible... (and to some idiots bashing nonsense about it... btw. ) So, that maybe the simplest answer. It needs to be know to the "Latin and north American people", that only know Robotech. And I think that we, the ones who love all about Macross, could well live with that. Just an opinion. Peace
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