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Everything posted by Astro_BS-AS

  1. Hi guys. Wasn´t some people looking for one of those? http://www.hkcollectibles.com/macross-robotech/7036-vf-1s-unpainted-kit-1-60.html 60 U$S for an unpainted 1/60 Yamato Kit? I mean, It seems like a quite good price...
  2. /offopic Monmar, sorry for my quite bad english... I was trying to make an example of "collecting" those "toys" (ugghhh). To own a collection cost a LOT of money ! And, a car that costs 20.000 there, here costs like 55000 ... (and then go and multiply... etc etc... haha) /end offtopic
  3. If you complain about the price, come here to Argentina... multiply the value by 4x (at least) and then some.... Here, to collect these wonders (please, don´t call them toys because I just want to cry when I hear that) cost the same as a car would cost there in the "states".... I want one of these so much... but not with this paint scheme. It´s amazing, and quite nostalgic, but I just don´t like it. This.... And with ROTATING SHOULDERS, PLEASE ! How hard could be to put a rotation point (brutish english here...) in the boosters? Not hard at all... Fix that, do that scheme, and then I´ll pay whatever they want.... (even with the post that I´ve written before... yes...)
  4. Hi guys... have you seen this? http://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-en/macross/3606-choujikuu-yousai-macross-vf-4g-lightning-iii-limited-edition.html A nice and cheap u$s 931 !!!!!!! INSANE !
  5. No, it´s not. Unless you want to pay more than u$s 400 (to start with) for one...
  6. Hi guys It´s an amazing piece ! Here with some MDE love
  7. It IS ridiculously huge ! hahaha. And that´s what I like the most about that set . They look like a pair of orbital boosters, and they combine quite nice with the VF-1J 30th - Even the missile launchers. Yesterday I spend almost an hour "dressing" my Valks Now, they would look really nice on the 1/48 VF-1 .... More pics when I´m back home then...
  8. Hi ! I´ve received the parts today . Here´s some pics Just put some white tape (the one used to paint something) in the "pin" that connects to the hardpoint ! The problem is that the Bandai hardpoints are "carved" in the wing, whereas Arcadia (or Yamato) don´t. Look at my pics
  9. Oh, I hate you so much.... Amazing !
  10. Great pictures Duymon ! I wonder, how many of them are broken?
  11. What about including it in a YF-21 Renewal ? Could happen ! And Gould would DIE FOR it of course ! haha
  12. This --- And it goes that way into the front landing gear. With the "pin" pointing upwards.
  13. Hi guys. A simple question. Are the MDEs slots "yamato compatible" ? Excuse my poor english, but what I want to say is that they can be put in the VF-1 hardpoints. Thanks in advance
  14. VF-27 Lucifer coming...

  15. In fighter mode its ok, but in Gerwalk mode you know perfectly well that the wings does not lock, except by friction. Or the plastic hinge for the arms. I've even managed to get it in gerwalk with full loadout, but it was kind of a miracle. And even without the extra parts, you just move it and the wings will fall. Even in battroid the chest doesn't lock anywhere. And it's not from 1985... If you have no problems, and even upside down it doesn't fall at all, consider yourself very lucky. It an amazing Valkyrie, but it's in the same league as the original YF19. It really deserves a remold, with full locking parts. Great display piece, nothing more than that. And the problem with Bandai Is that the ball joints really get floppy with time. But you can fix it with some superglue without even having to disassemble it. Not good by any means in a u$s 200 piece, btw.
  16. Hi. It is a great question. I may think that you want the SV-51 because it a big aircraft, and resembles the lovely Sukhoi, but believe me, it HAS NOT aged well. I´ve had one, and traded soon afterwards. It´s amazing and big and menacing, I give you that, but it´s a floppy mess of parts that DOESN´T LOCK ANYWHERE. In Gerwalk mode (as in battroid) it´s almost standing by friction. It´s not the best piece to own. At least not for U$s 450... I´ve paid U$S 120 for it in January, and traded for a VB-6 König Monster The construction it´s not good by any modern standard. If you get it cheap, it´s ok, but not at that price. It´s your first Valkyrie? If it is, and you want a Yamato, go find a VF-19 (any variant) and enjoy an amazing piece of modern engineering for a quite reasonable price. If not, go for the Lucifer, or get a RVF-25. Good hunting !
  17. Oh, my bad. I missed completely. Thanks Eriku
  18. Take into account that that image is from April.... I don´t trust Bandai at all, but maybe we´re not completely out of hope...
  19. I sincerely don´t see that "there´s no interest". I mean, if stores revamp the price up (quite a lot) from the "msrp" of the preorders, why should affect Bandai that those same stores are selling it at "normal price". But, even so, maybe the VF-171 CF fiasco is doing something on sells.... But in the end I think that It´ll sell the same as the other releases. Maybe in a slow pace, but it´ll sell. And from Bandai´s perspective, they´ve complete all the preorders. I´ve ordered one with the price drop. Even with a mark up (here in Argentina we don´t have some luxuries that other countries have) it was convenient. Now we have to see if at better prices they sold out. If that´s the case, it means that all of us, as consumers, are kind of madurating. Imho I don´t think that we´re going to see the green Lucifer. I think they´re going to stick to the movies, so, if they didn´t appear in both movies, they won´t care. But it´s pure speculation on my part.
  20. Hi guys. The same thing happened to me with a VF-17S. Luckily I didn´t lose the small purple piece that broke. And it stays well with superglue. The problem I found too was excessive friction on the sliding piece, as arcoregon mentions, and that stress the purple hole that holds the metal pin to the point of fracture. Take some account on that because if it still is too stiff, it´ll broke again someday.
  21. Thanks for the tip ! I've ordered one from NY after seeing the price drop. Quite reasonable, if I may say. Now onto my first Lucifer. It'll be quite funny when my kids tell the teacher in school that "dad has a Lucifer figure and even talks to it". I'll be in a lot of trouble ! Hahaha
  22. THIS. Even by alienating the customer base, they SHOULD add replacement parts with the Armored Parts. It´s just impossible now to pretend that it´s a random problem. The shoulder pieces (NUNS) and the little black folding triangles ARE BREAKING DOWN EVERYWHERE. Here in Argentina it´s unbelievable hard to own one of those, and to have a broken one (even if it´s a little triangle like my case) it´s just frustrating. Has anyone of the pro-reviewers (or the japanese speaking members) contacted Bandai in any viable form to ask for replacement parts included AT LEAST WITH the Armored Parts. I´m not asking for free replacements (wich they should be, btw), but at least "paid" ones.... or something. I really don´t know what to think. It´s like they just f*cke* us up with this release, and don´t give a dam*n about it.
  23. Me too.... And the Valk there in the fridge.... May I say YAMMIE???? Oh... never mind... *putting his head back in the shame-box...
  24. Hi guys. I have to say something. This Valk is amazing. It´s the best thing that Bandai ever done. By far. Why? It´s simple. And it´s quite amazing.... In the show, if you were piloting a CF 171, you could never be sure if you were going home again, because you CF 171 was (most likely) going to explode into a thousand pieces.... And with this piece of art it´s just the same! You could never transform it knowing for sure if it´s going to survive the unfolding of some parts! Just like the show... you touch it, it explodes, you die.... So.... a quite stupid intro to say that the little folding triangle piece below the NUNS have broke. Both of them, and without any pressure at all. They´re now superglued, and they still work, but it´s amazing how fragile they are. I still love the CF 171. It´s so beautiful that it´s hard to hate it, but some parts are innecesarily fragile, as all of you are rightfully pointing.
  25. Great mini-review ! And the pics are just amazing. And youre little "sitcom" too Now, on the plastic-metal part. Have you tried sticking a magnet to it? Try it on the old Valk first, to check
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