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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. You are a gentleman and a scholar! Thanks!
  2. I did some storyboards for my friends project that is a mini pilot on ADULT SWIM! GO WATCH!! http://video.adultswim.com/robot-chicken/samurai-high-dodgeball-squad-stoopid-buddy-shortz.html
  3. I need an Xbox 360 code if anyone has one.
  4. Can we get a higher res pic of that without your watermark? I would like it for wallpaper!
  5. Anyone got a code?
  6. Honestly this dub is not bad. I found it a well done dub. I watched the first 3 episodes in Japanese with the ENG subs but then switched to the Eng Dub and I am enjoying it.
  7. Episode 8. WOW!! This was one of the best so far! Partially because of the build up of plot and characters but also excellent action sequences. I was watching it late at night with my Stereo Headset on and the mecha combat sequence was awesome. Kinetic action and very good sound design to compliment it.The most back story was revealed so far and it was very interesting. Overall I really am diggin this show.
  8. And this is where the crazy RT fans (MEMO HEHEHEHEHEHE and MavLSC) are so caught up in their worship of the current HG they can't see the forest for the trees. Sad.
  9. Ok cool. Well a few bits I did watch they were pretty close so either they must have a good english voice director.
  10. I got up to Episode 7 so far. Both the Japanese and English casts were good and since it had Dub-Titles I just watched the Eng Dub. Overall I really dig the story and I like how they sprinkle just enough plot to keep you hooked. I could go without some of the more quirky Japanese fetish things but it is not a deal breaker.
  11. Robotech.com is a ghost town. Only the die hard blind fans are there. Everyone else who had criticisms was banned.
  12. Yeah I just heard about that. Well at least they are honest haha!
  13. Yes buying the Blu Ray release. Even the one with the awful part 2.
  14. I called this way back. Palladium + HG = slow to non existent product. So crappy.
  15. LMAO. I almost sprayed coffee on my monitor here. Nice. The sad part of this whole thing is they are preying on 2 sets of people. The nostalgia fans that don't know all of HG's shoddy practices and then the super loyal crazies that think anything with the Robotech name on it is GOLD. That alone might be enough for them to get the money. In some ways I hope they do. Then these folks will see it go to waste as it blows past the deadline and maybe not even get done. Maybe then HG will finally throw in the towel and someone can wrangle the Macross rights out so we can get legit Macross releases in the USA.
  16. It was the summer of 1989. I had just met a new friend and he was into Robotech and RPG's like me so we use to play the Palladium game. One day he asks me if I want to see something cool. I said heck yeah. He pulls out a BETA VCR and pops in a tape. I hear the Zentradi spoken language and see Japanese subs. Then I was glued to that 19" JVC Color CRT set for 2 hours. Afterward I had a million questions that he only knew answers to a few. That began the obsession there. That same summer one of the local hobby shops that carried import Macross models (also where I bought my RPG stuff) got the This is Animation Macross DYRL. It was way overpriced ($60.00) but at that time there was no ebay.. I bought it on site with all of my extra money. I am still bummed the new Blu Ray is censored.
  17. Yes that is mostly how I feel too. The sad part is that Tom Bateman's original script to follow up episode 85 (Shadowforce) was so much better than what the Tommy Yune regime released. That is why I have no faith in this. The current direction for RT is terrible. Just let it go.
  18. Still think it was a nice idea but when Toynami went to do it and Big West found out they probably told BANDAI to not do it or they were gonna be pissed. That was a good Podcast guys!
  19. I would like to keep this topic open guys so lets focus on the main theme. The kickstarter+HG+fail. Look I am a fan of the 1985 broadcast run. That is how I like it. I dont like the revisionist stuff the current regime has done. I also love Macross. To me they are different things. I think that Robotech had its time though and maybe it should be put to rest.
  20. Looks like a 2015 release. More stuff for next year! Super Dimension Century Orguss original TV series comp…June 16th, 2014 More stuff for next year! Super Dimension Century Orguss original TV series complete collection episodes 1-35! Japanese with English subtitles. The first 17 episodes will also have the English dub!
  21. The best part is I know some of those folks are here ghost reading this thread...
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