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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. The Super O looks awesome. I cant wait to pick one up.
  2. 1.)Resculpt the arms and hands. 2.)Make a sturdier backpack mechanism. 3.)Panel line all of them like the Low Vis. 4.) Oh yeah. Make better stickers. Yours suck Yamato. PS I still love your toys though.
  3. Then I shall save $50 by keeping my JP GC version, and use the money for F-Zero X. F-Zero is crazy fast. I picked that up as well. Whooooooooo. Almost makes your guts wanna crawl out.
  4. The Gamecube supports component. You have to order it from Here. Now it doesnt support DD 5.1 just Dolby Pro Logic II. It does support component (Nintendo only though)... but the game doesn't support progressive scan. Soul Caliber II does 480P on the Cube. Just not the 720P that the Xbox does.
  5. Nope. You are SOL.
  6. The Gamecube supports component. You have to order it from Here. Now it doesnt support DD 5.1 just Dolby Pro Logic II.
  7. I have FamilyGuy and am gonna get the Futurama ones also. B)
  8. He is but in a different form. He shows up as a charicter called assasin. He wears a turban style mask and you have to unlock him in Weapon Master mode. Rock is also back as Beserker and so is Lizardman. These 3 charicters are added to the US release. I bought the Xbox one last night and I love it. Spawn is awesome.
  9. Oh they will.
  10. Heihachi should have gotten a Katana or Paired Katana. It would have been cool if he had a different style than Mitsurugi. B)
  11. Interesting. The only way it will happen is if they get a "US" License from HG. I can see them battling the court on this one of Bandai trys to bring it here themselves via BigWest.
  12. Armada Prime is alot better looking than this one. This is close to the worst ever. Energon is exactly impressing me at all.
  13. Soul Caliber II hits my EB games today. I own all 3 of the new consoles but I am buying the Xbox one for the 720P support and I havent tried Spawn yet. I played Link and Heihachi when the Import ones came out a few months ago. Overall Heihachi I think is the weakest of the 3 "extra" charicters. Link I liked alot and I have heard good things about Spawn.
  14. I would have to say my Max and Milia Yamato 1/60's.
  15. ADV just for Mospeada.
  16. Ok so how is the Analog control? Can you play Halo style?
  17. Agreed. Yamatos stickers totally blow. I have said that since the Hikaru 1/60.
  18. Ok you know what sucks. My first 1/60 Fastpack VF was the Max version. It has many flaws. Mucho scraped paint on the diecast and one of the Fastpack mounts on the back of the legs in damaged where it attaches to the VF. Now I just got the Milia and Focker second hand from Fudrom and they are both perfect. Damn QC where were you for my Max you bastages!
  19. Be careful sliding the heatsheild out also.
  20. Nice. I cant wait for this one to come out.
  21. Hoptimus

    max 1s 1/48

    *Drool* Max and Milia 1/48s B)
  22. He is way too busy with School,his band,possible recording contract. He is one busy guy.
  23. LOL. I got my wife hooked on SDF Macross TV but havent had the chance to get her to watch Macross 7 yet. She didnt really like Macross Plus. It was "too creepy" for her lol. She has watched the first 2 episodes of Zero and she seems to like that as well.
  24. Ok Bandai is kicking butt. Take Fed vs Zeon and update it to the AEUG VS Titan era but with more improvements!! http://www.gamers.com/news/1448688/ SAweeeettt!!! RICK DIAS!!!!!
  25. If this mod is good then I will buy BF1942 just to play this.
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