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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Already discussed in models forum.
  2. I have all 4 regular and the Metallic Green one. The Metallic ones have more weathering effects and overall better paint job than the regular ones. Well with mine anyway.
  3. Direct to Vivid DVD I suppose?
  4. Yeah. They didnt bother to redo the shoulders. They said that the MPC Dark Legioss will be 100% accurate.
  5. I have been saying for years now that they should go back and visit the original Space War 1. Look at how much milage Gundam got from the one year war. I like the Destroid idea but mine was to focus on the last half of the war on Max and Milia's squadren. They could make one of the newbs the main charicter(Make her female) and how they learn to be an elite squad under the teaching of M+M.
  6. Split screen is cool and all but damn I would love some online link on this game!
  7. I got the set and I grabbed the Green Metallic one. Great figures if you are into Mospeada!
  8. I watched this yesterday. This is made for 5 year olds. The animation is great but the story is way too kiddiefied for me.
  9. Well. Gundam has a new series whether it needs it or not. I only really like MS Gundam 0079 Movies,Zeta,and CCA. At least Macross trys to do something different with each addition to the story.
  10. But if it is only to spam then why? It is not a contest. Please keep spamming to a minimum folks.
  11. Comico's SDF Macross#1 is worth $20 and it's very rare. I own one. I have one as well. Its fugly though.
  12. I am gonna get it because it wont have the QC flaws that Roys 1/48 has.
  13. 1/60 for life!
  14. Actually...there was. It just wasnt finished. It was Macross in English dub by HG. They still changed alot of names but it was cooler than RT. You can find the VHS on Ebay sometimes. I think only the first 3 or 4 episodes were completed before they turned it into Robotech.
  15. /me cries Beautiful kits and Chris B's display is immaculate. Damn I wish I wasnt so broke so I could have gone.
  16. If you have an arcade stick they all play the same. The only differances are the special charicters and the Graphics. Here is my Breakdown 1.)PS2 Good but has slowdown occasionally and IMO Heihachi is a waste 2.)GCN Great. Much faster loading,better graphics, 480 P rog Scan,Link is a better charicter 3.)XBOX Great,Fast loading,best graphics,5.1 Digital Sound,480P and 720P,Spawn is a great charicter. I say buy the Cube or Xbox versions. The thing that sucks about the Cube version is that if you want to use a stick you have to buy one since none of the controller adapters let you use digital sticks on the cube. Only Dual Shock2 Pads.
  17. I love those figures. I wish I could have gone this year.
  18. Sweet. I cant wait.
  19. WeaponLord(SNES) and Soul Edge were ahead of their time rather. More WeaponLord than anything else... That is so funny. Friday night I was at my friends and we all played VF4 Evo for about 3 hours then switched to some SCII. Alex and I talked about how awesome Weapon Lord was and how ahead it was and still has a system that no one else has really used. The lead designer on that project was James Goddard who also Co-Designed SF2 CE,Turbo and Super SF2 of Capcom USA and worked closely with Capcom Co Ltd JPN. I wonder where he is now.
  20. Hoptimus

    ps2 hard drive

    Yup. Its is just a mass storage device and games like FF XI can use it to buffer the loading times.
  21. Ask it here. For the Record it is a VF-1S. He becomes Skull Leader after Roy dies and Hikaru dissapears with Misa.
  22. $325 for my King of Fighters MVS cart for my Neo Arcade system. Then I sold it a few months later for $275. I got my 50 bucks out of it lol.
  23. Not bad. I will wait till we get more shots and info.
  24. Me too. Plus I can probably attribute the low poly counts on the fact that there is alot onscreen and they are probably going for speed rather than prettiness.
  25. I want the Ostrich so bad. I get paid tommarow. Gonna have to float some bills lol.
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