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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Samurai Spirits 0/Shodown V MVS is out. Mdgamesales has it for $450.00 The Phantom-1 is okay but super flakey.
  2. Sol if you are gonna buy a Neo Geo cart system then you want the MVS board and a Supergun or a Neo Geo Cabinet. The Home Neo Geo System carts are so much more expensive and the collectors are real anal.
  3. SVC Chaos is a great design but when it comes to the fighting it has lots of technical issues. I like the game but it could have been much better.
  4. You cant. The common misconception is that the PS 3d Samurai games are from the Hyper 64. They arent. Not even close. The only way to get them is to buy a Hyper 64 cab or Jamma board. I have never even gotten to play them. Tonight I just played the crap out of Samurai Shodown IV again. I love that game.
  5. What kid is gonna want the ol skool Prime. This Prime is for the older peeps who grew up on Gen 1. Man Hasbro is stupid.
  6. This happened on PSO on the DC and GCN and XBOX. Most US players are really item grabby and plain old hogs when it comes to Gold/Cash and exp. The Japanese players dont like that. Now they pretty much stereotype all US players like this. The few bad ones have ruined it for us all.
  7. I would say that 95% of the NGPC games are excellent. Pick up Last Blade! Also you have to play SNK vs Capcom Cardfighters Clash. I play my NGPC alot more than my GBA.
  8. It will be intersting to see this years KOF. I just hope that Tizoc and Terry arent the same sprites from Garou. If so they will look totally out of place with the rest of the KOF crew. It was bad enough that SVC Chaos had the Hugo sprite from SF3 mixed with the other KOF sprites.
  9. Hi. My name is MilkManX. *raises hand* I am addicted to SNK and the Neo Geo. *clapping* Seriously I love SNK. I have a NEO-GEO MVS(Multi Video System) Board and about 20 games for that. I also have 2 Neo Geo Pocket Colors and about 25 games for that. I probably play my Neo stuff more than any of my other consoles. The only other game I play about as much is Capcom vs SNK2 on Xbox LIVE.I dont know so much about the new SNK Playmore since most of the original members are now working for various companies but they are doing pretty good. Here is my thoughts on the Post original SNK era. King of Fighters 2001 was okay but I really dislike the Striker system.( I do like the homage to Tetsuo though in the form of K'9999) Metal Slug 4 was poo. Rehash city Rage of the Dragons...I am sorry but this game is crap. King of Fighters 2002 was good but no KOF 98(one of the best fighters ever) Matrimelee..havent played it yet. SVC:Chaos was a bit dissapointing overall I thought. The NGPC version(SNK vs Capcom:Match of the Millenium) is still the best followed by Capcoms CVS2. Samurai Shodown V(Spirits 0) looks amazing. Yukes has most of the old Samurai 3 and 4 team so I have faith in this one. Plus no one has really complained about it unlike SVC. Metal Slug 5 looking good so far KOF 2003. Not much is known yet. The only thing I do know is that Falcon is doing the art so it should have great charicter portraits.
  10. It's pink... For some reason it reminds me of prune juice! Graham LOL. That is exactly what I thought when I saw it.
  11. Thats what I go by. What I found strange though was Yamato making it Miria on the 1/60 toy. Of course they mangled Max's last name too lol. Graham you really need to teach them how to spell.
  12. I bought vol. 1 on DVD around three years ago. The disc suffers from a lot of problems: - Horrid DVD menu design. - Crappy DVD-ROM features (crashes every computer using it). - Video transfer looks like it was taken from the VHS version. - Japanese audio needs improvement. English audio is much worse. Overall, it looks no better than a HK bootleg. Hell, my VHS copies of the laserdiscs look 10 times better than the DVD. At this year's Anime Expo, I talked to an AnimEigo representative about the possibility of releasing a remastered version of BGC. He said that M2K currently holds the DVD rights and as soon as their license expires, AnimEigo will probably work on remastering the series. I'll just wait for that day... Yeah I was there with you. I also didnt care for the charicter designer for BGC 2040. You just cant beat Sonada.
  13. 26.
  14. I am probably gonna pick up the PC version. I will catch you guys on there!
  15. I would buy Vehicle Voltron in a heartbeat.
  16. I gotta go with Priss simply because of the musician aspect. BGC is one of my favorites of all time. I paid $60.00 for the first OVA back in 1990. I just wish Animeigo would fix the DVDs and re-release them.
  17. I was right there with you. AM2+Macross=good.
  18. Yeah JC use to be the man. Big Trouble in Little China 2 disc DTS is the shizz. They Live is classic The Thing is awesome. Those are my top 3.
  19. Here is me chillin.
  20. Nice job. Man I need some nice Low Vis decals. The Yamato stickers really suck.
  21. Damn. I need this game.
  22. Any new pics of the MPC Alpha/Legioss yet?
  23. Ahh and the debate goes on. This crap is so old now. Lame.
  24. uggh. Who is designing these things.
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