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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. I was very excited for Sacred 3 but the early reviews were all BAD. I loved Sacred 2. I am down to do Reach with ya Benson but come September 9th its all about Destiny.
  2. I gave up on WOTC after 3.5 ed and especially 4th ED. With the OGL clones I started playing Swords & Wizardry(Clone of D&D 0 ed) and it was a nice huge refreshing load of rules off our backs. Now we are back to ROLE playing and way less ROLL playing. Combat takes minutes,adventures are fun and the improv along with the beer drinking is fantastic. I don't think I will go back to the modern D&D but I did read the 5th edition rules and at least it seems like a step back into ROLE playing and not ROLL playing with MINI's as 4th Ed was. I got my group to play some of my Robotech campaign set in the New Gen era and we had fun but damn Palladiums complicated rules make the game SSSSLLLLOOOOOWWWWWW.
  3. I saw that and just shook my head. I give up.
  4. I like the BOT mode but I prefer overall the TF Classics Jetfire from a few years back which I have.
  5. Yes I love Southern Cross too but it is not a fan favorite with either side. The RT fans mostly just wanted more of Rick/Lisa/Minmei and the Japanese SC Fans were just not there. That being said I still find it funny that as the part of the show that explains the most about the plot of RT is the most ignored...
  6. What grinds my gears is why such the crazy revamp? With the tech now they could have finally done the Turtles right. The 1989 movie was close for its day. A bit more serious than the cartoon but not as over the top as the comics. This one would have been great had the Turtles been their real size(around 4'10-5') if I remember correctly. That is what made them cool. They were small but could fight better than Shredder and the Footclan. Instead they are what 7' tall in this remake and look like Ogres. GAH. Get off my lawn.
  7. Wow. This is just awesome. This has to be the most civil RT thread in the history of MW. I think in part to the fact that even the RT fans saw how bad this kickstarter was planned/executed but still...
  8. Cya on XB1 for this Benson.
  9. Wow. That is some serious online bad PR for them. Literally calls them out for being schlocky.
  10. Ok I don't normally buy Resin kits but if Captain makes a 1/10 Yellow Bike and Figure I may crack!
  11. Yes I would have bought 2 Yellows had it been made.
  12. No and honestly it worked out great. Those first 80 issues of that GI JOE comic are amazing. Way better than the Sunbow cartoon.
  13. Stop just stop. I wish but it will probably never happen.
  14. Well what happened is that Larry Hama was trying to do a Shield comic at Marvel at the time. They felt it would not sell as well as regular super hero stuff. Hasbro came to them with G.I. Joe toys and Larry Hama's editor called him up and told him to take his concept but tweak it for these toys. That is how the G.I. Joe of the 1980's came to be. Sorry to derail us here but had to clarify.
  15. Just check the build here DUKE. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38367&p=1028818 I still want to see one in Armo Fighter mode though...
  16. Yeah me too. I am watching it via Crunchyroll but I would love to own it on BD.
  17. No that would require work. The new set is 18 episodes of Robotech from the 2001 ADV DVD broadcast version and 18 episodes from SDF Macross(Animeigo version I am betting with SUBs only) for Vol 1. Vol 2 will be Episodes 19-36 the same way. At this point I would doubt they do Robotech Masters/Southern Cross or Robotech New Generation/Mospeada.
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