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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. I have to agree. I mean the Metal Slug games come only every 2 years and it shows(*cough*except for 4 *cough*) The Samurai games were always incredible and they never rushed those. I just hope if SNKP tries sequels to Garou or Last Blade they really take their time and really add something that is worth it and not a dissapointment.
  2. Carth is lame. I wish I could kill him.
  3. Unfortunatley our Lantern Core rings are lacking the juice to handle this directly..... SHAWNN!!!!
  4. The other thing being is that they make a "new" version every year. I dont think they have enough time to really change it that much. People on the Neo Geo.com discussed how SNKP could release one every other year and maybe have enough changes.
  5. I would have to agree with Ali Sama. There is nothing to be upset about. It is his opinion and although it conflicts with yours it in no way is "delete me" material.
  6. Cool! Thanks Vinny. Actually I like their new Artist. His name is Falcoon and he actually started working for them back in 97 or so. He did the card art for Cardfighters Expand edition on NGPC(Japanese only release ) Buy yeah Kyo has an updated look. Why though does Iori still have the same outfit? lol.
  7. Yeah this game is great. I played it on my Xbox. I think I need to play it through again though as a female.
  8. Well Shawn kept trying different Java and windows based clients. He gave up. Then I took it upon myself to get us a Mirc channel. But it didnt ever get any high traffic and my work firewall kept kicking me out so I think it died. I give up.
  9. $10.00 by Paypal to anyone who gets me a KOF 2003 poster.
  10. Did anyone else notice that in Episode 10 Anakin pulls a Hikaru Missile firing spin manouver?
  11. Great read. Thanks for the link Mr March.
  12. King of Fighters 2003 clean pics!! Looks awesome! kof2003
  13. Yes I was very dissapointed that this Xmen animated story didnt spawn a series. Then Marvel brought out that crappy X-Men cartoon in 92(uggh horrible animation!). I like X-Men Evolution though. It is a nice change to go in a completley different direction than both the comics and the animated series before it.
  14. Probably due to the design of the chest on the Yamato VF-11. Great work Spiff.
  15. I am telling you. He is a known bootlegger. Most of his bootleg carts have glitches in them too. TRUST ME!!!! If its too good to be true than it usually is. The Samurai 5 MVS kit from reputible dealers is running between 269 and 309. Buy it from www.snk-capcom.com or www.neo-geo.com if you want a real cart and not a bootleg.
  16. That guy is a known bootlegger. He is well know as a scammer on Neo-Geo.com. It is a bootleg I can guarentee you that.
  17. I have one request. Fix the lightsaber effects in Episode IV. Especially the scene after Vader kills Obi-Wan and he is walking toward the hanger his lightsaber is just a white stick. I cant beleive they didnt fix that in the S.E.
  18. US KOF 2003 Location test in early December!!
  19. Did anyone here play Halo on Xbox? It controls the same. Hell it has a bit of a nicer feel to it. Xbox LIVE has the headset you dont need a keyboard. Plus with everyone on a controller the play field is even. I played the PC version from Jan 99 to Feb 2002 and stopped because the cheating was out of control. Xbox LIVE = No cheating. The new maps are awesome and some of the old ones now sport completley retextured in 24-32 bit glory textures. Well if anyone here has CS for Xbox or buys it look me up, my gamertag is MilkManX
  20. pics. Read this article too. http://csnation.counter-strike.net/article...hp/article_175/
  21. 16 on a dedicated. 10 on a host. You can create your own when you log onto LIVE. Either Dedicated or Host There are going to be alot of dedicated servers from what I understand.
  22. Hello fellow LIVE players. I have had my Xbox for about a year and a half now. I have had Xbox LIVE since November last year. I have played only a handfull of LIVE games. Mech Assault(great) Unreal(who dropped the ball on this one?) Phantasy Star Online(excellent) Capcom VS SNK 2 (one of my favorites) Ghost Recon(okay but not my thing) So far LIVE has been great. Now I started playing the PC Counter-Strike in January 1999 and stopped in the begining of 2002. Why? Too many cheaters! So once I heard CS was coming to Xbox Live I was thrilled. Then there was the waiting...looking at screens...reading previews... Finally November 19 2003 I got my CS for Xbox. In one word? Excellent! Now I am covering Multi Player only. Seriously if you dont have Xbox LIVE then I wouldnt bother with this game. It is all about the teamwork on the Multiplayer side. Counter-Strike on Xbox is a game that is built for fun. Graphics 7/10 The graphics on the maps are really nice and the lighting effects are great but the charicter models are low poly count. I understand that the players were kept low to keep the firefights from getting too much slowdown/lag. Sound 7/10 The 5.1 is nice but the overall sound isnt much better than the PC version but it is adequate. Music N/R I didnt rate the Music simply because I turned it off. I cant listen to music while I play this game because I want to hear every gunshot and footstep. Gameplay 9/10 CS has a nice balance to it with its money system. Now some of my friends that never played CS were like WTF is this. I had to explain to them that this is how the game stays balanced. You use the money you earn from Team victorys and kills to buy better weapons and armor. I also like the fact that the map determines what CT team and what T team you are. Makes for a more unified team play! That is what this game is about. For 90% of my games my teams were sticking together and formulating plans. The other 10% of the time when there was no teamwork we got hosed. Team work is the key to this game. Controls 8/10 The controls and aiming were great. I just used the default but cranked the look sensativity to high and I was fine. I do like the fast look option also. Fun Factor 10/10 As soon as I hopped into my first game all of the rush came back! I bought some ammo and ran with my team on the airstrip map to stop the Terrorists from planting the bomb. Took out 2 T's in my first minute. I proceeded to play the game for 5 hours after that. I havent had this much fun and cooperation on a Xbox LIVE game to date. Overall 9/10 Overall is mainly reflecting the FUN factor of this game. Hopefully we get an Xbox exclusive CS sequel with improvements to the areas I noted.
  23. All 2 other KOF fans here. If you see some clean screenies post em ASAP!
  24. I tried it. I cant hang. I am a racer snob. Unless it can powerslide like Ridge Racer(the first one) then I dont usually play them.
  25. Yeah. The teams are crazy this year. It is also Tag Battle. Gonna be different that is for sure.
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