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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. LOL. I love that dog.
  2. Post that here. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=140
  3. LOL!! I love this. We are modding TF Alternators now. What wont MW'ers modify?
  4. You sad sad man.
  5. Wow that Prowl is awesome. Hopefully we get an official one like that. Hmm Sideswipes alt transformation is cool but I like his default one.
  6. Found Sideswipe at TRU today. I love him. Awesome toy. Easier to transform than Smokescreen IMO. My only complaint is that his legs arent very posable.
  7. The movie is awesome but I still love the OVAs also. Especially FF2. Really great stuff. SNK rocks and its too bad their other properties(Samurai Shodown,Art of Fighting) were mangled when turned to anime.
  8. Heres the verdict. Are you an old school SF head? Like good art and story? Like really good music. Buy the Japanese release. The US one sucks. This Anime stomps the crap out of the US live action movie and the SF Alpha Anime IMO. SHO RYU KEN.
  9. So the US one has the same die-cast content? I have been waiting on this one since I cant afford the import one.
  10. So far I like it but I have one complaint. The music blows. The tunes on the OVAs are much more suited to this story. This is like DDR jet fighters.
  11. Hopefully. Man the M2K job was crap.
  12. Man his arms are a bitch to Transform.
  13. I just picked up Energon Starscream at Walmart. He looks great in Robot mode. So far Energon is pretty neat. Much more Gen 1 than Armada was.
  14. Jung makes me proud to be a Mospeada fan.
  15. Check the other forum.
  16. Okay... 1.) I want the Japanese issued Mospeada ones that Toynami is suppose to sell overseas.. 2.)$80.00!! Yeah keep puffin that crazy crack HG. 3.)Please tell me its gonna look much better than that...especially for $80.00
  17. Gundam.com... What could have been great was overrun by immature spamming crazy folk. I made some cool friends there but I mainly stayed here and hung out on gundamwatch.com which was more mature. I was of course MilkManX on Gundam.com
  18. Hoptimus

    MechMod for HL

    HL uses a modified form of the Quake I engine last time I checked. Also, you're completely wrong about HL being limited to bipeds. You can do whatever the heck you want to. There's been a racing mod and all. Years back before I "saw the light" while I was stuck in that awful mess that is rowboat-tech, I had a New Gen / MOSPEADA project started for HL. I had the motorcyle mode of the ride armor semi-functioning, but the HL code is just a mess and kept frustrating the heck out of me. In addition, I had discovered the true originals, mainly Macross, and said "screw this americanized crap". Add to that a lack of support from basically anyone around that time, and you pretty much see why the project was shut down. I plan on eventually doing another first/third person MOSPEADA game, but not for a long time. Oh, and BTW - my RT/MOSPEADA mod for HL was called "Invasion" (Originally "RT: Invasion" but then changed) - so it looks like that new console rt game stole my title... Actually I think we talked back then. I had a RT:New Gen/Mospeada mod for HL and a website up and I think we emailed each other a few times. LOL. We both said screw it.
  19. Yes. The repaint of Smokescreen will be Bluestreak (a silver WRX). Supposedly, the repaint of Sideswipe will be Sunstreaker (a yellow Viper). Who knows about the rest? The yellow Viper repaint for Sunstreaker hasnt been confirmed yet. SilverStreak though is confirmed for sure.
  20. Downloading dat right now.
  21. Hell yeah. Get some Hypercolor in dat shizz.
  22. So I am guessing that this show has CG Transformers? They look too good to be hand animated.
  23. crap. This is gonna be a long 16 months......
  24. I love Orguss. Mikamotos charicters for that are so awesome. Cool and quirky mecha too.
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