Yup. Thats how it works.
Release the best Gundam story with no promo,limited DVDs and a severe lack of toy/model support in the US.
Then release flashier substandard Gundam shows with more support that a wonder bra.
What do you expect from HG?
They are lame plain and simple.
They are making money off of someone elses creation and will milk this for as long as they can.
FYI for everyone here
Justice League and Teen Titans are from the same studio.
JL is more of Bruce Timms art style with heavy Jack Kirby infuences.
TT is Glen Murakami's project and they went with a heavy anime influence.
Both are storyboarded in the US and then Animated in Korea and Japan.
I got the US one last night.
I got to handle the import back in Dec when a friend got it and the US is the same minus the different stacks and the battle damage.
I paid $69.95 @ Target. Wally world hasnt had any latley.
Still totally worth it.
Now bring on the rest of the Alternators!
This is the worst news I have heard in a long time.
Either HG is pushing its boundries or they made a deal with BigWest.
Strange things are afoot at the Circle K...