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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Ugghh. I bet these wont come stateside.
  2. Jazz/Meister looks like he is gonna transform just like Smokescreen.
  3. Seriously though. 24 years of games. Sure the last 10 have been really slow but that will hold a record for all time. I think its great that they are moving to another platform. The Neo will never be forgotten with classic gamers. Now give me a high res Metal Slug!
  4. Some of them are cool. Much better than Armadas crap designs. The show is pretty good too. Its on at 6am now on CN.
  5. Actually, Hasbro's been putting the word Autobot in front of certain names. For example, on the new Spychangers, there's one called Autobot Jazz, who sports the blue and red stripes. Then there's Autobot Tracks and a few others on the G1 reissues with Autobot before their names. Then again, Hasbro changed a couple of names. Hot Rod is now Rodimus Minor while Bluestreak is now Silverstreak. So it's Hasbro's decision to either 1) prominently put the word Autobot before Jazz, or 2) just rename him to Meister or something related. Well some are because they let the name run out of its copyright and forgot/didnt renew it. The theory on Jazz/Meister is that there is a new Honda car in Europe called the Honda Jazz and that might be the issue. So Jazz loses his old Porsche body to go to Mazda and he lost his name. Scatman Crothers is not too happy with this.
  6. Arrrgghh. Why Hasbro? The coolest TF's ever and they are import only. Doesnt make sense.
  7. I got the one from Myriad. Holy crap. Nice quality.
  8. I am still wondering who the Mustang 2005 is gonna be. Hot Rod?
  9. Yeah RvB is awesome. Some episodes arent as funny but they are usually set-ups for a better pay off. "You damn green bastards give me back my knife" Sarge's outtake reel.
  10. Chapter 19 was awesome. I cant wait for #20.
  11. (Watches MilkManX place his order on an MG Rick Dias.) Yes 3 please.
  12. Those are great exept for the fact that Max should be 001 when he is Skull Leader.
  13. I am sure he is getting the 1/60 and is confusing it because of its rather large size.
  14. Yeah the Energon line isnt exactly blowing up my skirt. Prime was very dissapointing and Megs is just as bad. I do like Downshift though*cough*wheeljack*cough* and Starscream wasnt too bad. I bought Rodimus but he kinda sucks. I am really only collecting the Alternators myself.
  15. Actually Samurai Showdown 64 2 was pretty good. Only on the Neo Hyper 64 though. Not that wanna be PS port of it. This though scares me. It doesnt look that good and we all know the PS2 is a biotch to program for.
  16. I dont know if I would consider Agent One the nice guy...
  17. Awesome. That would be a hit at a Kegger.
  18. I just hope for Dreamwave and Hasbros sake that HG doesnt try to make a stink of this. I wouldnt put it past those jerks though.
  19. Anyone read the Dreamwave Vol2 TPB War and Peace? Are we gonna see a Repaint MP Prime as Ultra Magnus? That would rock.
  20. Hey those match the paint scemes of those older 240Z cop cars lol.
  21. I have this one and its pretty good. Nice charicter sketches and VF art. Though if you just want VF art get the Kawamori design book.
  22. I am betting Prowl will be a 3rd Subaru Impreza. Considering he smoke,and streak were all 280Z's in the Gen1 line.
  23. You know I could have really cared less about Decepticons in the Binal/Alt line. The story was that the humans helped the Autobots/Cybertrons rebuild their bodies after a Decepticon virus damaged them. Why are there Decepticon ones and why is Dead End coming before Sunstreaker. Sorry I am just a huge car and Autobot fan so unless they make a MP Megatron or really nice seekers I dont care much for the Decepticon Alternators. Now who is the Mustang 2005 GT gonna be? Windcharger? I cant wait to find out.
  24. Next time use the newbie thread.
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