Actually, Hasbro's been putting the word Autobot in front of certain names. For example, on the new Spychangers, there's one called Autobot Jazz, who sports the blue and red stripes. Then there's Autobot Tracks and a few others on the G1 reissues with Autobot before their names.
Then again, Hasbro changed a couple of names. Hot Rod is now Rodimus Minor while Bluestreak is now Silverstreak. So it's Hasbro's decision to either 1) prominently put the word Autobot before Jazz, or 2) just rename him to Meister or something related.
Well some are because they let the name run out of its copyright and forgot/didnt renew it.
The theory on Jazz/Meister is that there is a new Honda car in Europe called the Honda Jazz and that might be the issue.
So Jazz loses his old Porsche body to go to Mazda and he lost his name. Scatman Crothers is not too happy with this.