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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. That was awesome. Really great work. The web amazes me sometimes.
  2. Has Takara been downing a few too many SAKE BOMBS lately? BT-07 = the first Binaltech I WON'T be picking up. (same for BT-05.....Dead End. I don't need no stinking Decepticon's). Look back on this thread, you may be missing something. There is definitely a new Binaltech that is a reissue of Smokescreen with modifications to make his car mode more accurate to the racer it is modeled after. I think only the hardcore Binaltech and Subaru fans will be after this one. I probably won't get it, but I think it's nifty that they make it available. What most here dont know is how Popular the WRC is everywhere except the US and that Subaru is the most popular of the Japanese Car Manufacturers in Japan. They have serious stacks of WRC wins and that is why their cars sell in Japan. Their 2004 Legacy won car of the year in Japan and its just gotten released here as a 2005 model. That is probably why Takara can do that in Japan. I doubt Hasbro will bring the updated Smokey here.
  3. I dont care what it is I want a few. Keep us updated.
  4. If true: Whoa. That vette I will definately pick up. FYI people, do not expect to see a BT-09 Wheeljack. Seems Joel and the crew has fallen for a photo-chop showing Tracks as a Wheeljack repaint. The pic they saw was just a fan art and this news has been revealed on a couple of TF message boards. So no Wheeljack yet! Just wanted to warn everyone before they got too excited over a figure that does not exist! Melissa Yeah I saw that on TFW2005.
  5. Its another battle in the trenches for Macross fans. Sure we want an R1 DYRL. Do we want it from rip off company supreme wHoremoney Gold?(when it comes to Macross anyway) No. I am very interested in the legal matters of this. Is this licensed through BigWest. I am betting on "No"
  6. Wasnt Zeta box set suppose to be out Winter 03? WTF. Damn Bandai.
  7. Wow. I remember when we only had a handfull of custom builders on MW and now we get new ones that are most impressive every month. Bravo.
  8. Awesome. This movie is a trip and its sad to see how his style de-evolved.
  9. HOLY SHITTT This is seriously the best news ever.
  10. I cant wait to go see this. I loved the first one.
  11. Yeah this show rocks. Bruce Timm and his crew do great jobs on classic Comics.
  12. Dang. The funny this is that we saw Meister long before Tracks and Dead End and yet he comes months after them. Retooling?
  13. Sooo. Who has BIG WESTs comment on the HG DYRL scandal?!
  14. I bet those are PS2 shots. The Ps2 has horrible AA. I will definatley rent this one when it comes out.
  15. Man.. I thought this was really bad. I know it is suppose to be real B and real campy but it just came off as real sucking.
  16. This is awesome. The 0079 movies made the series much better. I can only imagine how the Zeta Movies can turn out. Zeta is my favorite!! Rick Dias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Bruce Timm! Although I must say I like both Lee's and Turners Superman also. John Byrne was great and so was George Perez.
  18. I think it was because you only see it use its legs for the most part in the movie. Much like an Ostrich.
  19. Here is my GC8 EJ22.
  20. Uggh. I really want some new Coil Overs but I cant afford it right now.
  21. Dont know the coordinates. Tucson ,AZ USA
  22. Hehe. I am keeping my 98 GC8 Impreza pretty much sleeper. Just adding some rims and a good exhaust but other than that it wont look "riced" out. I got a pic of it this weekend on my way up to lake Patagonia. I will post it soon.
  23. Hey thats nifty. Yeah AE86 is way overprced in the used market now.
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