Has Takara been downing a few too many SAKE BOMBS lately?
BT-07 = the first Binaltech I WON'T be picking up.
(same for BT-05.....Dead End. I don't need no stinking Decepticon's).
Look back on this thread, you may be missing something. There is definitely a new Binaltech that is a reissue of Smokescreen with modifications to make his car mode more accurate to the racer it is modeled after.
I think only the hardcore Binaltech and Subaru fans will be after this one. I probably won't get it, but I think it's nifty that they make it available.
What most here dont know is how Popular the WRC is everywhere except the US and that Subaru is the most popular of the Japanese Car Manufacturers in Japan. They have serious stacks of WRC wins and that is why their cars sell in Japan. Their 2004 Legacy won car of the year in Japan and its just gotten released here as a 2005 model.
That is probably why Takara can do that in Japan. I doubt Hasbro will bring the updated Smokey here.