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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. 11 hours for a RAID? Dang. I may not get to one if that is the time requirement. I may get 11 hours in of Destiny in a week.
  2. Common misconception. It was MILLER himself who directly wanted to make this a different film. After the first 2 the character had to grow and move onto something. The first movie he lost is family. The second he learns he can't just be alone. The third he found a purpose.
  3. Added ya on XBL.
  4. The game to me just gets more fun the more you play. Now with some better gear and lots of cool Moon missions to do I am having a ton of fun.
  5. That is the one point that makes me dislike Man of Steel. The whole last 45 minutes he is NOT SUPERMAN. He is some crazy guy just smashing stuff with no brains.
  6. Yeah so far Production design is solid for this flick. I just hope Snyder can make this one better than Man of Steel(I thought he did better on Watchmen/300 myself..)
  7. Just re-watched Mad Max 2 aka The Road Warrior on the newer AVC remastered Blu Ray with the DTS Master HD sound. SOOO good. Forgot how good. Next up is Thunderdome! Looking forward to this new one quite a bit.
  8. Yeah there was 3 hunters and we did the Moon Strike and all I could hope was that someone would quit so we could have a Titan for backup. I need better gear...I am a Hunter.
  9. Did not stay up last night but got about 45 minutes in this morning before work. Nice to be able to just fire up the game. Oh man going from the 360 beta to the XB1 retail game was a purdyyyy upgrade. Loving this game. Changed my controls to COLD SHOULDER since that is what COD and Titanfall use. Makes it easier for me. Love stabbing guys with the Hunter blade.
  10. No I am wayyyy behind on the Manga. I have only read through Part 4-5 somewhere.
  11. Meh. I did not like the Amazing 1 that much and I liked this one even less. The ruined Goblin for me. I don't think I will bother with anymore.
  12. Tuesday BENSON! Let's do it!!!
  13. Yeah I will be getting GITS and Bebop. I have the DVD release of Ver1 Bebop so I am ok with the changes as I always have my OG.
  14. Try joining up with the folks at www.agerocks.com or www.theadultgamer.com I am a member at both for those reasons.
  15. Got Diablo 3 UE on XB1 and have Destiny and Halo Collection pre-ordered. Warframe is also out today on Xbox One and it's Free!
  16. Recently got the Blu Ray set of the original 3 films. Still really awesome. I really love Mad Max1. Some great car chase scenes in there.
  17. That is so awesome. I got Amano to sign my Mospeada Graphitti book and would love to have Aramaki sign it!!
  18. WE ARE NOT WORTHY>holy crap. I wish I was Rich. I would just hire you to make Mospeada kits for LYFE!!
  19. We had to ban Edo Andromedo C one day back in 2001-2? Can't remember. I think JsArclight just moved onto other hobbies. Not sure on Bsu Legato.
  20. Some of us are still around. Nice to see your post and good memories there.
  21. Gobbled up the VHS right when they came out then in 94/95 at Suncoast. I had rewatched Macross II and my UK import Macross DYRL in preparation. LOVED Macross Plus. LOVED the Macross Plus MOVIE even more. Still my favorite Macross.
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