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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. I figured I would be Shockwave. He was the only Decepticon leader with any real sensability.
  2. Walmart.com had Silverstreak up online but within hours they were sold out.
  3. I dont really care who it is. It looks awesome. Hopefully we get another Honda car also.
  4. "You play your cards right,you live to talk bout it" -Thunder-Big Trouble in Little China. LOL.
  5. Honda S2000 Alternator is listed in Walmarts system. No pics or any other info yet.
  6. Yeah thats how I felt. It sure beats watching Alien 3 or 4.
  7. Yeah I am not importing these. Not at this price. Hopefully hasbro brings them to the us.
  8. Mospeada owns and thats the way it is.
  9. Man this looks awesome.
  10. Yeah the US name is Downshift. The Japanese one is still Wheeljack though.
  11. Nice work. I probably woulda pummeled the guy myself. I dont normally let loose but that kind of thing would put me into a berzerker fury.
  12. That would be perfect for Windcharger.
  13. I am so buying this thing. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capable. *drool*
  14. I had no problem with Sideswipe. In fact as much as I love Subaru I hate my Smokescreen when transforming it because he is a royal biotch to get back into car mode properly lol. I heard with Silverstreak they fixed that up. I also wish we got Sunstreaker instead of Dead End.
  15. OMG. She is my favorite Playmate ever.
  16. The one not to miss is "Big Trouble in Little China" The 2 disc one has a ton of extras and DTS. The el cheapo one has hardly anything and no DTS.
  17. Grimlock is the Mustang The Mini Cooper is announced but no name yet. It has to be Bumblebee or Cliffjumper.
  18. Damn. You guys ready for this. 2005 Ford Mustang Alternator and Mini Cooper! G R I M L O C K ! Now if you never read the comics you may not be as excited but Grimlock is awesome in the comics. Not as dumb but just as pig headed. http://www.tformers.com/article.php?sid=3245&mode=flat
  19. I am buying all of the Alternators. They are all awesome. Tracks looks awesome.
  20. Yeah Tucson is just as bad. Hell Phoenix too. I went up there with hope and came back with nothin'
  21. Just get the MP Prime.
  22. If they keep it to its best ideas and hopefully use the better DW script ideas it could be very cool. We all know this wont happen though. I can see it being as bad of a turd as the Van Damme Street Fighter movie.
  23. Bllargghh. I need to find Hound and Silverstreak.
  24. Its too bad he didnt get to do the Resident Evil movie like he was suppose to. The commercials he did for Capcom Japan were awesome. I love Romero.
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