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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. So far its still not determined. I really hope not. For a bit they were claiming Robert Zemeckis but that was confirmed to not be true.
  2. Seriously. Avoid this like the plague. Damn. What happened.
  3. I only collect 2 SW types. 1.) Star Wars LEGOS 2.) 12" Star Wars Figures. The smaller figures always dissapoint me. Although a friend bought me the clone commander and its pretty cool.
  4. Whew boy. I was really looking forward to this one. I was really let down. Incredible looking but seriously bad. It starts great and then the pacing goes to crap. that 1h and 45 min felt like 2.5 hours to me.
  5. Man what is with these companies. So far both the X360 and PS3 look like poo.
  6. They are not in service that much anymore. Last time I drove out to LA I think I saw 2 on my whole trip from AZ.
  7. This is great but the lame thing is Bandai took out the online mode. I really would have loved to play this with some of you guys.
  8. The digital D-Pad looks like crap though. Why cant they rip off the one from the Japanese Sega Saturn.
  9. Yup. I have played through Episodes 1+2 of the LEgo game. Now I am going back in and trying to find everything. Not playing Episode 3 till after I see the movie.
  10. Man this doesnt sound good. I really wish Singer would have at least finished up the 3rd X-Men movie before toying with Superman.
  11. My PSP stuff so far. 1x PSP unit 1x Logitech Case 1x Spider-Man 2 UMD 1x Darkstalkers 1X Hot Shots Golf(friggen awesome) 1x Lumines 1x Ridge Racer Waiting for... My 1GB Dell Memory Stick Pro Duo
  12. I have the Hasbro Vader one from 1995 and 3 or 4 of the el cheapo(but retractible fully into the hilt) ones. I was very very tempted to buy the Anakin ROTS one. If they had the Obi-Wan ROTS/ANH hilt that would have cracked me. Thats my favorite.
  13. Got a Hori screen filter/protector. $5.00 well spent. It actually cuts the glare quite a bit. I got mine at Eb games.
  14. I dont know if it will top Empire but from what I have seen it might be the one to claim 2nd and best of the Prequels for sure.
  15. Same here. I am sticking it out. Even if I have to wait till June. I doubt there will be a better deal anytime soon.
  16. Pooop. Liefeld cant draw period.
  17. DAMN. go boy go. I need to play this more....if I could just pry Ridge outta my hands..... Wifi Ridge MP is a blast!!
  18. I am gonna wait till they get cheap and nab 1 or 2.
  19. Why did I read that. I am giddy as hell now. Dammit. 22 more days
  20. Ok this thread has drifted and served its purpose.
  21. Saw that coming. Seed was just dumped here. The writing was on the wall when G-Gundam flooded the market. Bad move Bandai.
  22. After he got Divorced following Return of the Jedi he raised his kids. He raised his family and built up his properties. I heard he wanted to make sure everything was stable before he went into making more of the SW films. They suck the life out of him when he does it. Watch the Episode 1 behind the scenes documentry. He tells the 2nd unit director that he will sit back and look miserable lol. I look forward to him doing something else after Ep3.
  23. Jazz is awesome but wait till you get a Shockwave. That is one hot Mazdaspeed RX-8.
  24. Prowl is looking better! I got Wheeljack and Shockwave last night. 2 of the best alts so far.
  25. I was drooling over the Ep3 legos. I have a ton of SW legos.
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