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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. I love Mospeada. For the record the music is awesome. I think its still my favorite Anime TV series. I love Macross too but Mospeada holds my interest more with its Guerilla War storyline.
  2. Another killer DS app if you have at least 3 friends with DS units is Bomberman. You only need one cart for 8 player wifi multiplayer. Best MP game on the go.
  3. Castlevania DS. "Dont ask,Just buy it."-Jack Kirby Seriously. Awesome game. On par with SOTN on the Playstation easily.
  4. It was worth it for Final Fight,Ghouls and Ghosts and Forgotten Worlds alone. Best $20.00 I have spent in a long time. The only thing Missing was STRIDER! And Sidearms would have been cool too.
  5. Awesome Sean! I hope it rocks.
  6. Plus the MPC Prime is kinda heavy and because of that isnt as posable. Hopefully this new one will be.
  7. All I know is that it is Japanese in orgin and Artmic studios did that art. I dont know which artist though.
  8. I am getting this "Weekend at Bernies" feeling from the whole deal with Shawn. 327549[/snapback] Yeah Areaseven and I will be carrying Shawn around at AX this year....
  9. I loved it. Huge nods to Dragon Quest,Gundam,Macross,Hokuto no Ken,Virtua Fighter,Film Noir,Monster Movies...Etc. Damn its funny and well animated.
  10. I assume you mean the new Anime OVA. Street Fighter Alpha 2. I know its coming soon but I havent seen it for sale yet.
  11. I am not even going to read this. This has been posted way way too many times. use search and read the differances between Macross and Robotech thread pinned in this section.
  12. Man. All I remember is that the reason Edo was blasted was mainly because I didnt have crap to do at work that day and he finally crossed the line. I actually called Shawn to make sure that was okay and sent Shawn what Edo had said about MW and its mods. He had no problems banning him after that . What a crazy day.
  13. There are tons of threads relating to either Robotech or Battlecry in the other anime forum. Use search. Thanks!
  14. Umm Hello. Green Hair,Hot body and fighting skills that put most people to shame! Milia for me!
  15. Ahh Rick the Hunter. He dissapeared. I know he had made alot of deals on here to do valks and what not. Then his mom got really sick or something. He just stopped coming to the boards. Then there was a lynch mob after him. I think he paid most of those people back but I dont know for sure. I have tried to contact him many times through his brother but no luck. Whereever he is I hope he is doing good.
  16. Right. Rorchach was based on the Golden age Question but the DCAU one is based on Rorchach! LMAO.
  17. Man it would be cool to have an episode with some of the Watchmen charicters and have it be some history book or alternate world. The Question himself is heavily based on some Rorchach(sp) and Frank Millers Question in Batman Dark Knight Strikes Again.
  18. I love JLU because it goes where none of the JL comics went. Instead of it just being the JL all the time we get stories from everywhere in the DC universe. I love Jack Kirby so when I saw the New Gods appear in Superman I was soo stoked. That continues in JLU. I just watched a great episode the other day. "The Ties that Bind" It has Mr Miracle and Barta come to the JL to ask for help. Flash decides he can help them. The flashbacks where it shows Stan(Mr Miracle) as a kid being raised by Darkseids mom are awesome. Seriously great writing and serious nods to the great comics over the years are what make this show great. My bro in law doesnt even know who Mr Miracle is but he loved the episode and immediatley started asking me all about who the New Gods and Kirbys Fourth World are. Did anyone else read the info from Comic Con. Next season storyline will be focused on the Legion of Doom. Awesome I just hope we get some DVD sets soon. For now I will just have to live with the Downloads
  19. Exactly. I was more impressed when Amuro took down those 9 Rick Doms and that battleship at Side 6, then Kira's hundreds of kills at the end of Seed. 312148[/snapback] Ahh the good old days. I love the early UC Gundam. 0079 ,Zeta,and CCA. After that it was Tomino burn out. F91 was okay and Victory is pretty cool but they just dont have that grit and magic that the earlier stuff had.
  20. Lots of good photos peeps. Damn you A7 always moving in on my woman. LOL.
  21. Man it would be cool to see another UC show but I wont get my hopes up. UC is dead.
  22. Anyone else dissapointed with the $50 US Starscream from Cybertron. They just blew up the small one. His damn hands look like bricks. I think I will wait for the 2 pack with the smaller one.
  23. Nothing can suck as bad as Elecktra for me. I cant believe how bad that turned out. F4 wasnt too bad. Overall a 7/10 for me. The comedy kept me going. I think Thing and Torch turned out great but Reeds and Sue need a major screen boost to get them up to speed for a sequel. Doom if he comes back for the second one also needs to be handled better. The costume was good but the charicter seemed out of place. Not nearly evil enough and not quite manical enough either.
  24. Dammit. You know what this means? This means I have to buy a Legioss Toynami toy now. poo.
  25. LMMFAO. This is definaltey contender for All you base. Now only if someone can make a Flash/Gif of it all lol.
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