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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Ok some quick run downs. Flash and Substance. If you love Flash this episode is for you. This is basically a Flash episode that happens to have Bats and Orion in it. Fun,funny and some great fights. It also shows Flash in a more human side. Dead Reckoning. Hot damn. This episode was awesome. One of the best of the entire run of JL/JLU. I am getting Patriot Act right now....
  2. I think Has/Tak/Tomy are kinda stupid with the ALts/Binal toys. Seriously they changed that Ironhide to Prime because they think it will sell more. Most people that collect these I dont think would have cared if it was Ironhide.
  3. Man I got Prowl,Skids and Sunstreaker Alts today. Prowl is ok but his legs suck. Sunstreaker is awesome just because. Skids though...man he is awesome. I am not a fan of the Scion xB but in Bot mode he is easily the best alt. Best legs and arms. poo I hope the newer ones get better like this.
  4. I love 1/6 figures. I have a bunch of Star Wars and some Military(all the ones from Counter-Strike that I could find back in 2000) My ultimate one though I will never own. It is a Japanese made Blade Runner Deckard Figure. Sniff.
  5. In May I will be in Wyoming. That is where my family are currently living, so it is the safest place for me to go to first. Still trying to decide where my permanent residence will be. yep the whole clan is coming. Rob 357236[/snapback] Yes move to Tucson. Cheap housing,nice weather(well maybe not July/August but the winter here is awesome)
  6. I saw the film yesterday. I thought it was great. It didnt feel like 3 hours to me. I was glued to the screen. The begining is slow(Depression era 20's NYC was incredible) but the buildup is so nice once they hit the island the movies kicks in the nitrus. The island was awesome and Kong himself was incredible. Easily worth the price of admission.
  7. Speaking of Miami Vice isnt Michael Mann remaking the series into a feature film? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0430357/ I wonder how this is gonna turn out. Now we need Family Ties Season sets. LOL!
  8. Virgin Road. Just due to the worst animation ever. It pains me.
  9. I had concerns when I heard Singer wasnt working on it. Watching the trailer though has me stoked.
  10. Yup. This says rental on my buddys dime and maybe I will watch it.
  11. People are nutz. I will wait till next November. It will be a bit cheaper and by then there will be more games and less crazy people.
  12. Well the big one is the English Dub track.
  13. Here is what I like a.) Not writing out the Richard Donner Superman 1+2 movies. b.) Keeping with the same tone of said earlier movies(music samples and the Brando bits) Here is what I dont like a.) The costume. The emblem is a bit much and damn is he wearing some lowrider tighty reds or is that just me. Overall I am anticipating this film.
  14. My mkds fc is 287822-281726 This game is awesome online!
  15. Read this thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=140 If you cant find it in there then post your question in that thread. Thanks!
  16. Ok this is stupid. Robocop is an awesome film. Why are they remaking these movies? Because they have no ideas left anymore(at least they arent buying any and just wanting sure bet incomes) Uggh.
  17. From 16 pages you are so quick to judge? I will wait till the first story arc is done before I call an opinion on it.
  18. MARIO KART DS. November 15th. I will get mine set up and post my friend code here so we can race!
  19. IDW has all of that. They said they will get to that later in 2006.
  20. No more Wal-mart talk. END OF LINE.
  21. Yeah I got mine at Target also. Watched the deleted scenes I really wished they would have been in the movie(well maybe not the Shakti scene..that one was not nec) Especially the Rebel Alliance sub-plot and also just seeing Yoda land on Dagobah.
  22. I have I 524 and I never get dropped. I also gave my Xbox a static IP and put it in the DMZ on the router. My XBL is stable and fast this way. My ISP is Cox Cable. Try setting your Xbox to a static IP and put that IP in the DMZ port.
  23. Gunstar. Its back. Its incredible and it will make you see that 2d is far far from dead. I played the original when it first came out and loved it. Gunstar Super Heros takes that same formula. Revs it till it is way past the redline and cranks out 1000hp on your GBA. This game puts most other GBA action games to shame. Treasures programming skills are at full speed here. Huge bosses,paralax scrolling,hughe scrolling sprites,creative boss designs. Crisp animated charicters and explosions. Great play mechanics. Its everything Gunstar fans have ever wanted. If there was one negative point is that its not 2 players...but what are the odds you and a buddy both have the game and the same GBA(I use a DS) Other than that this game easily gets a 9 out of 10. Overall it is the most technically impressive and fun GBA game yet.
  24. Exactly. The Gameboy Advance and GBA SP will play 99% of all the old 8-bit Gameboy and Gameboy Color games. The GBA Micro and Nintendo DS will only play GBA games. I think the Micro is neat.It has a killer screen(although that new GBA SP has a really nice one too!) and its small for pocket travel. My problem with the GBA Micro is the price. Its too pricey and too soon right now. If it was 60-70 I would buy it. Till then I will be happy playing GBA on my DS. ON a side note. I picked up the GBA Play-Yan Micro cart. You buy this and an SD card up to 1gb and it makes your GBA/GBASP/GBAM/NDS into an MP3 and video player. Its awesome. I recommend it if you want MP3 and video on your GBA. http://www.4colorrebellion.com/archives/20...n-micro-review/
  25. Awesome. I cant wait till Mk comes out. I will be on my wifi everynight. Anyone from MW that wants to race then send me a PM!
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