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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Man that thing is awesome but ridiculously priced.
  2. I hope that price is a typo,not that I buy the toys anymore but dayaaammn. I am waiting for the US Discotek DVD release....
  3. Highly doubt that. The Tolkien estate is not happy with the current movie option and won't be doing any others. That is why the Hobbit got turned into 3 movies so that Jackson could sneak stuff from the LOTR appendix that happened during the timeline of the Hobbit. This is it. Unless Christopher Tolkien renegotiates or allows for another movie deal.
  4. Looks pretty good to me. Not that I will buy one/need one but looks good.
  5. I wonder if Discotek might bring this and Dougram to the West on DVD with Subs.. that would be nice.
  6. So bored with Destiny Grindiny. Titanfall Update 8 is adding a horde type more and other enhancements. Goes live tomorrow. That and Diablo 3 UE will keep me plenty busy still the Halo MCC comes out.
  7. Its a grind grind grind. 20-23-4 is not bad. Once you hit 25 its all about farming your ores,heliums,spins,etc...
  8. Really enjoying Season 2 so far. I think now they found their groove so I hope we dont get a repeat of the 1st half or so of Season 1...
  9. So how about some 1/48 Legioss Fighters? I need a really nice one. :-)
  10. A 1/48 Fighter and a 1/48 Soldier would be the bee's knees!
  11. Funny you say that. These guys are friends with Tom Bateman who use to work for HG. HG fired the only person there that actually knew WTF he was doing with Robotech.
  12. The Manga is much better. I did not care for the anime version after reading the Manga.
  13. Man that is a nice build!
  14. That model/Statue turned out pretty awesome! Now get one of Mary Angel/Marie Crystal and of course Jeanie aka Dana.
  15. I love Animeigo. I have many of their releases. Had no idea he also did programming!
  16. Got my US GITS 25th Anniversary BD. Gonna watch it this weekend. The UK Release of that is REGION FREE and under $20 USD on Amazon.co.uk That is what I picked up.
  17. Yeah I got Diablo 3 UE on XB1 and as fun as vanilla Diablo 3 was D3 UE is soo much better. More fun and another bonus is you don't get dropped from servers ala Destiny..
  18. Yeah same group. I grew up watching Battle of the Planets,Voltron,Robotech,Etc and then went on to buy the $50 VHS tapes for sub 60 minutes of an OVA. I still remember renting Orguss one tape at a time and then I hit that last US Reditions volume and the Comic Book store guy said he can't get anymore. Years later I would learn why. Glad its finally getting a wider US release thanks to Discotek in 2015.
  19. I have not watched mine in a few years but did not have any cracks last time that I can recall. I have the original box set ($260 bucks!!) from 2001.
  20. Picked this up on a Blind buy blu ray. Really enjoyed it. Yes needs more Gojira but a well crafted a beautifully shot film.
  21. Oh man that is so gorgeous!!! Too bad there is not a 1/48 Legioss worthy of posing with it....
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