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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Like I said earlier it has been a good 8 years since I read the book. I enjoyed the movie. I noticed some changes and omissions but overall it was great. It kept me entirley intrigued and was shot very well. Portman and Weaving were great. Hurt was great. Overall it gets an A from me. I think Alan Moore is being too harsh. I know he has principles but giving all the credit in the film to the artist is just strange.
  2. Yeah Grudge Match is awesome but the plot has so many holes in it lol. Nightwing cameo was awesome.
  3. I get to see this tonight. I havent read the comic for over 5 years but I am really looking forward to this.
  4. You can thank CN for killing this show. They jumped the schedule so much it could never get really good ratings and when it was on it actually did get good ratings. I still remember Season 1 when it was on 7 nights a week. Sure there was lots of repeats but it beats watching the crap they have on there now.
  5. The first time I heard the actual Macross music it just felt right to me. It seemed to match the art alot more than the RT music did.
  6. Ok so I watched it again and then rewatched some select JLU episodes from this season(Patriot Act,Destroyer,Grudge Match) The action staging and direction is sooo much better in JLU. It like comparing a Jack Kirby Marvel 60's issue to say Superman by Curt Swan in the 60's Aka prettier isnt always better. Ultimate Avengers is only marginally better looking than JLU(more color) but I like the hard shader over that airbrushy look that UA had. Dont get me wrong it was still quite enjoyable but the stylized and intense action of JLU has it beat(for now) I hope UA2 is better in direction.
  7. No way! That episode was awesome. The monks were awesome. Luthor finally pulling rank was awesome. Deadman was awesome. Seeing Batmans disgust at gunplay was awesome. The Battle with Wonder Woman,Supes and Bats against the Legion. Awesome. The hilarity of seeing them turn to apes. Priceless.
  8. Yeah well he thanks Darkseid for that while he hits him balls out lol. That was better than the Supes vs Big Cheese from last season.
  9. **** Stars(out of 5) Overall I thought it was well made,written and animated but not without some flubs. My biggest gripe is that some of the more casual scenes had some of the worst animation and the "soft" filter on the shading had a mind of its own sometimes. I never read the Ultimates but I am a fan of the Avengers so alot of this was new to me. I miss the Wings on Caps Cowl butI can live with it. The sound in 5.1 was mixed very well and the music was okay but it didnt get me pumped(not like the last Episode of JLU "Destroyer") I cant wait to see more. I can only imagine them gettting better with each release.
  10. Yeah they did. Man what a way to close out JLU.
  11. Picked it up on my lunch break. Will watch it when I get home. Cant wait!
  12. Man. Just saw the final episode of JLU "Destroyer" Holy crap it was awesome. Wait till you see it!
  13. There are actually 3 levels of quality in the Macross TV show. 1.) Studio Nue episodes(bobbytrap quality) 2.)Tatsunoko episodes Medium...not bad but not as nice as the Studio Nue ones 3.) Anime Friend(Fiend is more like it) A very piss poor animation studio that Tatsunoko farmed out to when they were behind schedule. Think Max and Milias wedding...peeeyeeww.
  14. Yeah I am really diggin it. Some of the transfans are so picky they are bashing this. I guess to each his own.
  15. You guys are in for a treat for the season finale.
  16. I am wondering the same thing. Lets see I have WW volume 1 full sized WW volume 1 pocket sized and WW2 Darkages Full sized. Then I have the issues 1-3 of the WW Age of Wrath book that wasnt finished*cough Pat Lee bastard*cough* So that could count as 3....I heard IDW may be able to print the TPB f Age of Wrath since the art was all done.
  17. LMAO. I love the Mospeada music! I guess I am a "Motorcycle Freak"
  18. Hmm SDF TV 9/10 DYRL 8/10 Flashback 2012 7/10 Macross II 6/10 Macross Plus Movie 9/10 Mac Plus OVA 8/10 Macross 7 series and OVA's 7/10 Macross Zero 7/10 Overall I still love the orignal series the best. The only I dont really care for is Macross II.
  19. Hot damn. I never thought I would see the day. I will be grabbing that WW Prime for sure.
  20. I have seen a few clips and I am impressed. The animation is smooth and full of action. The color pallete is kindy dumpy but other than that it is looking good. Some veteran animators are working on this Butch Lukic(Batman,Bat Beyond) and Frank Paur(Spiderman Amazing Friends,Batman) to name 2.
  21. Time to answer questions. 1.)TF Movie and TV show out of print. Yes. Who has the rights? Last I heard it was SONY. They havent made any announcment if it will be reissued yet. I would bet that hedges on the movie. 2.)Don Figuroa. Designed those WWII TFs for the Dreamwave GI Joe vs TF comic. yes those designs are in the comic but with Jae Lee doing the art it is very murky and shadowy 3.) Whats Don doing these days? New TF Beast Wars comic coming from IDW in the next month I beleive. 4.)Takara making War Within toys....I wish but I highly doubt that would ever happen. k thx bai.
  22. Mirage looks awesome. That is the first new alt in a long time to impress me.
  23. Hmm. That new Prime in Robot mode is nice but damn the cab is fugly!!
  24. Yeah. Teen Titans is gone. The only light at the end of the tunnel is the Teen Titans Tokyo DTV. JLU is not confirmed but the rumors at toonzone.net suggest that the various artist from JLU(minus Bruce Timm....no one knows what he is up to next) are going to work on Legion of Superheros(rumored to star Supergirl) and that JLU is definatley over. I hope that the rumor that Bruce Timm wants to make a Kamandi animated series(PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!)is true. I guess we will probably know more by summer.
  25. This is the last season of JLU and Teen Titans(which is now over) For some reason CN UK is showing the new episodes. CN USA is a bunch of retarded morons. I heard it wont air the rest of this last season of JLU till MAY! By then I will have seen them all if the UK doesnt take any breaks. If you want more info go to Toonzone forums.
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