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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. I grabbed one. I like the scale and the idea but the quality is pretty shoddy.
  2. Yeah I am bummed I missed that panel. Got there just too late on Friday. Interesting though.
  3. Bummer. Man some awesome people leaving the planet latley. Hope he rests in peace.
  4. Great time with you guys. I am sorry I couldnt make the dinner and meet Dangard(seems he was always away when I met up with you guys) I never got a Nemesis Prime I did get a Soloman Grundy though! Got to meet Bruce Timm and got a pic with him and his autograph on his art book. Bought the con toynami but in retrospect its crap(for 25 anyway) Got some awesome deals at the end of Sunday. Next time I will just wait for Sunday to buy. Except for the exclusives.
  5. No its not edited at all. Trust me I watched the Japanese LD till my player died.
  6. Picked it up there today. Its about time. I can finally watch it like my old Japanese LD copy but with good Eng Subs. 5.1 is kickass too!
  7. LMAO. That was pretty good!
  8. Dear Dean. This discussion is about the orignal Japanese Super Dimentional Calvary Southern Cross. It was heavily edited into Robotech as the middle chapter. We are not talking about it in relation to Robotech at all. Now on with the show. Holy crap I have to chuckle. Jeannie has a shower and/or bath scene in every episode lol.
  9. I loved it. I gotta say though I think the art department was reading some One Piece when they came up with some of the Sea Pirates.
  10. Okay I will be there Friday afternoon and all day Saturday and Sunday. I plan to be at the Jack Kirby Panel Friday at 200 pm and the Bruce Timm one at 400-430 PM. After that I will be wandering. Do we have a gameplan yet?
  11. It sure looked good but I have never had one
  12. Scored a used set of this last night. Wow what a different show. Much much better than its RT incarnation. It has alot more humor and the charicters just seem more natural. I always kinda liked it when I was a kid(RT version) but now I think I love this show!
  13. Well I might have to pick this up today. I have been waiting 10 years for a proper release of this in the States.
  14. I really dont see the need for that revision. I was happy with the first version they showed us.
  15. Eb games takes broken cores but I think they dont give very much for them.
  16. The new game and theatrical Anime are based on Jojo gen 1. Araki had a very Tetsuo Hara look in the early Jojo. Later he gets sleeker and more unique during Gen 2.
  17. This is based on JoJo generation 1 Manga. There is also going to be a theatrical Anime Film of the same story. New toys are also in the works for this movie and game. I hope it kicks butt in Japan and we get a movie or preferably another OVA series for Gen 2(its a bit longer and more complicated that Jojo Gen 1)!
  18. I just finished watching all of the DVDs last night. Now if you know the history of this OVA its backwards. DVDs 4-6 Came out first in Japan as Jojo Bizarre Adventure in 1993-4.(Its basically a streamlined version of the Manga from the halfway point to the end) Then in 1999-2000 the original production team wanted to finish the entire Jojo Generation 3 manga and do the begining of the story. These DVDs(on the US release they are 1-3) were done with newer computer animation and not film like the previous ones. Overall though it is very consistent but I have to say that Jotaro looks more like the Manga Jotaro in the DVDs 4-6(93,film animation) then in the Early 1-3 DVDs with the Computer animation. Its just so ever slightly different model. Now anyway onto the Review!! Overall I was very pleased with the DVDs as a fan of the Manga and these types of stories. The plot isnt very thick but the action is great and the charicters are all very unique. Iggi is cute too! Story/Plot B The animation was very good and overall both the newer made episodes and the older ones look fantastic. The charicters are all designed well and stay true to their Manga origin(Except for some reason Jotaro has more of an older man look in the DVDs 1-3...like more weathered) Animation/Art A Now the soundtrack and the foley for these DVDs are friggen incredible. Props to Skywalker sound for this. Seriously if anything these destroy most other anime in the sound department due to this alone. You also get 4 soundtrack choices Japanese 2.0 Stereo,Japanese 5.1 Digital,English 2.0 Stereo,and English 5.1 Digital. Music/Sound A+ The Japanese voice cast is great and they are fantastic. You really get a feel for the charicters and their personalities. The English dub cast is hot and cold. Some are good(Jotaro,Joseph) but most of them fall pretty flat. Original Japanese Audio A English Dub Audio C The subs are nice and they use the green color to overlap conversations like Animeigo does(I hate when companies dont do that. ). Each DVD is also loaded with Extras. Not many anime have extras but these have some great ones. There are interviews with Hirohiko Araki(creator of JoJo manga),the directors,the animation charicter designer(same guy from Hokuto no Ken) The Japanese Voice cast,The US voice cast,Skywalker sound production teams Etc. There is also a JoJo time line feature that runs on 5 of the 6 DVDs and Image galleries Etc. DVD Extras A++ Like I said I enjoyed it but its not without its faults. It kinda drags in the middle but the ending is awesome and well worth it. There are also some great funny bits and some great fights with the Stands. Overall Grade A
  19. Anime is here! http://www.supertechnoarts.com/ I just bought all of em recently.
  20. 5 7th Steel ball run with Johnny Joestar. Haven't read yet either. This is the most current JoJo story. Apparently sorta like a alturnate universe sorta deal or something with no real connection to old jojo Insane huh:P 407017[/snapback] Well so far I have only read Jojo Generation 3 up to book 3(what they have out here now) but I did dl some of the scanlation of Steel Ball Run. It is really cool and I think he is trying to just use all of his best ideas in one last Bizarre story.
  21. All 6 DVDs have both OVA series(which is basically the entire story of Generation 3 Jojo)
  22. Any other fans of Hirohiko Araki here? The artist famous for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure! I recommend it for anyone looking for a mature Manga title with some strange magical storylines and cool fight scenes. The Manga(Generation 3 anyway) is now coming out here finally! http://www.viz.com/products/products.php?series_id=224 I am hoping if it sells well that we can get Generations 1-2,and 4-7 over here. You can also get the OVA's of the same series here. http://www.supertechnoarts.com/ So far I have read through volume 3 and love it. I ordered the entire set of DVDs after reading this review http://www.dvdvisionjapan.com/Jojodvd1.htm I cant wait to watch them. I cant put my finger on it but I really did the style and art in Jojo's. It is a mix of Tetsuo Hara(Fist of the North Star/Blue Sky) and something more akin to a standard Shonen Weekly. If anyone has any info on the other series or just some comments that would be cool. Thanks!
  23. Well this is good for me. I havent picked up the Manga yet so now I can get it all proper.
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