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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. ...waiting for Drifand....
  2. I cant wait to see this when its done.
  3. Damn that Cyclone custom is insane! I would love to have one like it.
  4. I picked up Titanium War Within Optimus Prime 6" Transformable. IF you are a War Within fan you have to have this. Awesome toy. Die cast and posable. He will probably get froppy though because they are all ball/screw joints. No ratchets. For 15 bucks though its worth having.
  5. Dante?! 424771[/snapback] eh? 424780[/snapback] Line from Clerks that Dante says. Give Credit where credit is due. Sorry watched it again last night on Comedy Central.
  6. Dante?!
  7. Yeah Toynami used this as the basis for the 1/55 Legioss they made. Its not a bad kit but with alot of love it can be awesome. There was a Japanese modeler that took the Jupiter Base one and added alot of Wave ball joints and it was awesome. Cant find link right now.
  8. Damn that is awesome.
  9. No Xbox or Gamecube version?! Booo!
  10. I think for $15-20 its not bad. I just hope it sells enough to get some cool Mospeada toys this size(not scale...crap would be tiny!!)
  11. Yeah nice to meet you! Ran into you while I was getting my Soloman Grundy figure.
  12. Well here you have Anime Magic. 1.)Battroid,Tough call. I say Yamato 1/60 just slightly over the 1/48. Yeah its not as posable but it looks better proportioned and has normal hands. 2.) Gerwalk 1/48 with TV hands~! 3.)Fighter 1/48 all the way. A thing of beauty. Now if we counted models too than it would be the Hasagawa 1/72. Its very hard to make one that is perfect in all 3 ways but I think with the 1/48 they came really close.
  13. Alot of mine were mentioned already but here is a few. Y's Anime. Based on books I+II of the popular Japanese RPG. Its a great fantasy anime in its own right.
  14. Interesting. I love EFNY and I liked EFLA but it wasnt as good as the first by a pretty substancial margin. I hope this one is written and executed at least as well as the first. After that can we please get a sequel to Big Trouble in Little China.
  15. The Music in Macross7 was my favorite part of the show. It is really where it shines. Great...now you guys will have me jammin to Fire Bomba in my car tommarow.
  16. Damn I may have to get that Max 1A. I am such a sucker for Max Valks lol. Any word on when the fastpacks come out?
  17. Alrighty. Enough with the bashing. Either discuss Shadow Chronicles Story/Animation/thoughts on plot or dont post at all. Kthxbai. No baiting either. If you want to Discuss HG and its "buisiness" dealings than use the debate thread at the top.
  18. Yup. Season 3 was lameass. I bought the DVDs of all the seasons and after Season 3 I sold them. 1 held up okay and season 2 had its moments but man 3 was a stinker. The 86 movie though is still fun to watch and it has some great dialogue(especially Kup,Grimlock,Prime,Galvatron)
  19. Man I saw this in the theatre when I was 9 with my bro and Cousin. We were TF and Robotech junkies! After the movie we went to the local TRU and each got a new Autobot. I got Kup,Bro got Blirr and my Cousin got Hotrod. Spent the weekend playing with TF's. I miss those days. My cousin was killed a few years ago in a scooter wreck in China. He would have loved the MPC Prime.
  20. I cant wait to see this Cap. I still cry myself to sleep thinking about my Legioss you were gonna make.
  21. IT was released according to ADV on 7/25/06 but I had to keep checking www.bestbuy.com to see when my local one would have it in stock. Yeah I was wondering why it said that it was a two part OVA when it was three parts. Picked my DVD up on Sunday. So Milk, does part 3 look worse then part 1 and 2? That's the way the Manga Corps tapes were like (colors were much darker). I don't know of the original footage was like that to begin with or if Manga Corps screwed something up. 421785[/snapback] So far I think the Video is great. I think this may be a straight transfer from the R2 since it has a rather lengthy and very cool interview with Shintani. I just finished both discs and it was so good. I forgot though how un-nearving[sic] it is near the end. Loving my old school anime tunes also! That and the still great looking all hand drawn fighter scenes. Damn. Those animators must have busted their tails on this show back in the day.
  22. Got the NEW OVA release DVD from Best Buy today. Finally. Watching now....looks like act 1+2 were edited together as one part and act 3 is on disc 2. Report on more later...
  23. The FF games are great and have a "better" story than Zelda but as far as gameplay immersion Zelda wins hands down.
  24. Did anyone's come with Decals/Stickers? Mine didnt and it really needs it.
  25. I dont know if this is with everyones but the backpack just doesnt want to stay up in Battroid mode. Also because it is all plastic it doesnt like to stand in any kinda dynamic poses. Its a decent cheap toy but I am spoiled by my Yamato's Now if Toynami made some damn Southern Cross toys....
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