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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. I can guarentee you that Toys R Us will have a crapload of Wii systems. I worked there when the N64 came out and we had more than enough for all of the preorders.
  2. I was playing SFII on XBLA with Apollo last night and he told me to watch this. Damn was that hilarious. I musta missed it when it was posted here earlier. LOL.
  3. Phantasy Star Universe Demo/Beta on XBL on Wednesday.
  4. LCD is nice for no burn in but the response time is slow. Gaming is a very mixed bag on LCD. Looks vibrant and sharp(almost too sharp!) but if the game moves fast(ie Ridge Racer 6 on 360) you get alot of video delay and ghosting. Heck I was at Circuit City and watching MLB on an LCD HDTV and there was delay because the player was fast. See LCDs are set at a resolution(ie 1368 x 764 etc) that dont match up to HDTV/HD gaming resolutions. The LCD has to convert the HD res to its res. That is what causes the delay and ghosting issues. They have gotten better but are still no match for a finely made and calibrated CRT for gaming. Plasma is nice for gaming too and if you dont play Halo for 8 hours a day then you should be fine with that. CRT was just much cheaper for me and I didnt need much bigger than a 30" WS for my living room. Hope that helped!
  5. Got one today. Onkyo DV-sp404 5.1 Dolby and DTS,720p,1080i HDMI upscan and Divx. $134.99. Plus an HDMI cable from Sams club 23.00 Compared the new Ace Ventura(since I just watched it the other day on my old Panasonic Prog player) Holy crap 720p upscan is nice! Much cleaner and vibrant! DiVX also works without a hitch. Now I can finish catching up on Naruto without having to watch it on my laptop.
  6. Okay I have done some research and it comes down to these 3 DVD players with HDMI Upscan 720p 1080i. I have a 30" CRT that does 720p and 1080i I was hoping someone else here has been through the same headache First is the Panasonic S52(S or K) Its only $99.00 and gets good reviews Then there is the Sony DVP-NS75H that is $129.00 that is of the same quality but some say is better. Then one other one I looked at is the Oppo DV-970HD. The Oppo seems like the best deal(since it comes with the HDMI Cable) but no where locally sells it. Any advise? Thanks!
  7. Just to correct you here. You can do 1080p through component for games. Just not DVDs since they are Macro encoded. (hence why the upscan has to be HDMI or DVI/VGA)This was according to Microsoft.
  8. Played some Chromehounds online with my squad members(www.xmg360.com) and it was awesome. Damn that is one good online system.
  9. I loved mine. When the games were good they were phenominal. Mario 64,Zelda,Goldeneye,WaveRace,F-ZeroX,Rogue Squadren..ETC. It was a great machine but you couldnt live on just the 64. I had my Neo-Geo,Saturn and Playstation to get me my 2d Fighters,Mech games and hold me off during the N64 dry spells.
  10. I nabbed a GOTY edition of Call of Duty 2 used. Holy crap this game is fun. Waiting on my Ebay wins of Perfect Dark Zero and DOA4 to show up. I love buying a system after the first year and nabbing up the bargains.
  11. Well the Producers was pretty good. I just hope this is an "adult" cartoon and not something aimed at kids. Then it will fall pretty flat.
  12. So who else is getting PSU? I know Oct24th you wont be seeing me anywhere else but on PSU.
  13. Yeah I saw this on the rt.com boards. I use to play the crap outta the old one. It was also the place where I learned about the orgins of the show.
  14. Awesome! I cant wait.
  15. You are now in the League of Extrodinary Mospeada fans! Hot damn. If you ever do recasts put me down for 3.
  16. Finally got a 360. Playing Chromehounds,PGR3,Ridge Racer 6 and Street Fighter II HF. GT=MilkManX
  17. Please everyone. Buy this set! Then maybe we can get the OVA's out here!
  18. HOLY CRAP!!! Damn I always wanted to see this kit built right. That is uber nice! Can we get a swag gallery of it in Fghter,Gerwalk,and Battroid mode all in different angles? Damn. I want that. Not the kit but that nice fully built one! Nice work!
  19. I added her to Deviant Art watch list. I also asked her when she has time to do a Max to match that Milia!
  20. Man that is awesome. I thought that maybe this kit was a myth! Nice to see Shawn post again! I guess you gotta pull a uber rare model out to see Shawn talk it up.
  21. THe only problem is that the Chirico figure is hard to find. HLJ has him but thats about the only place that does.
  22. For some reason I have gone Votoms crazy. I think it started a few months ago when my local Comic Shop got a Yamato 1/12 Scopedog. Then I watched some episodes I had on my Laptop. Then I saw the re-release set. I ordered that yesterday online. Then I went to my Comic Shop and he is blowing out a bunch of toys and I got the Scopedog for $60! Now I must find a Chirico Cuvie pilot figure. Anyone got a bead on a cheap one? Can wait till my DVDs get here. Anyone else watching this latley?
  23. Well I like these 1/100 valks but man the stand for fighter mode is crap. I had literally had it on the stand for maybe 2 hours when it crapped. My VF-1S Hikaru is in Battroid mode in the stand and it hasnt fallen in 2 weeks. It is just this "Ball Cup" piece that seems to be craptacular.
  24. Ok I just got my Max 1A last night. Stickered it. Put it in fighter mode. Put it on stand...straight and not at a cool angle. 5 episodes of Mospeada later Max fell. Ball cup had cracked just like everyone else. Hope they are gonna replace these!
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