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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. I love CRACKDOWN! I thought it was gonna be lackluster but it really surprised me. I never got into GTA but I can get into strange Veirhoven supercop open end game! So much fun! Lets do some Co-Op when the retail hits!
  2. Yeah but Gears of War sold out 33,000 copies in Japan in a week. That is nutz!
  3. Yup. I will nab that. Classic game.
  4. Yet another show that would rule to have all nice and remastered by Animeigo with superior subs. I hate when my dreams outperform the reality that it will never happen.
  5. I really want to see this show. Its by Ryosuke Takahashi who did Votoms and Dougram.
  6. Ok so I wasnt wigging out. I knew there were some weird things done to Acts 1+2. Not a dealbreaker though. Still one of the best US DVD Anime releases to finally hit!
  7. Man I am still on the hunt for a nice price on a 1/12 Chirico figure for my Scopedog.
  8. I will be out of town till Monday but I will definatley hook up with you after that Apollo.
  9. I never thought of M. Night as a horror director. I see him as the modern Hitchcock. He likes to tell a good yarn with some suspense and a nice twist. Sometimes its easy to see and sometimes it gets you. Overall I have enjoyed all of his films but Unbreakable is my favorite.
  10. You should get the box set. It is easily the grittiest and down to earth storytelling mecha show ever made. The plot keeps you glued. I went through the set in about 4 days. Now I am getting ready to watch it again after my friend gets finished watching it.
  11. You can also go to Youtube and watch this to help explain the Zelda timelines. http://youtube.com/watch?v=RXN1BF65WjI
  12. Kreemzeek was a punk lol! That was a funny Season 2 episode. I also like the one where Tracks was stopping the car-jackers.
  13. Awesome. You are gonna love it. I do hope you have an HDTV though. Dead Rising is not SDTV friendly(really blurry text in 480i)
  14. Actually I noticed something. I think they only "mirrored" the Link model. When you are a Wolf;Links earring moves to his Left ear like it should be.
  15. I got mine last Monday. Improves alot if you have HDTV. Hopefully that helps you when they arrive.
  16. The controls are awesome. Now that I have played it this way I dont know if I would like playing the GCN version. Well technically the Wii isnt that much more powerful than the Cube but if it was from the ground up made for Wii it would have been nice!
  17. I am only about 4 hours in(just got through the initial Twilight meeting with Zelda) LOVE IT! This 4 day weekend I am gonna Zelda it up! (with breaks to play Gears of War of course!)
  18. Not on my setup! The Wiimote makes Zelda TP a very fun and flawless experience. Man the slinghot is so much fun! Controlling Wold Link in twilight is also a blast with the Wiimote. I think if you can figure out your calibration problem you will change your mind.
  19. Damn I loved this movie. My buddy called it "Bond Begins" since it was such a revamp of the series.
  20. Mii = MilkManX Wii Friend Code 3896 5966 4421 6752 Overall I love the Wii. Nice machine. Great second machine to my X360. Zelda rocks and Wii Sports is the Party game(with some beers for extra bowling fun)
  21. Cant watch. Playing PSU.
  22. JLU season 1 (JL Seasons 3+4 really)is out on DVD today. Got mine at BestBuy. 29.99. Go buy it now. The Question rules and Mr Miracle shows up!! Hot damn.
  23. PSU PSU PSU PSU. THursday now. Me goin cwazy!
  24. Now lets see. We need this and Blue Comet SPT Layzner. Too bad old school anime just doesnt sell in the US. *cries*
  25. You guys realize that TRU will probably have 200 of these in stock on launch day at each store right? I use to work there and they are way in with the big N. I was there for the N64 launch. We had 150 pre-orders and they shipped us 400 units for launch day.
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