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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Man the wait for these toys is killin me!
  2. I got mine @ Circuit City and got the free Transformers hat! Nice.
  3. After being surprised by the first one I am looking forward to this second one.
  4. Actually it ties right into the begining of the Marathon Trilogy...also by Bungie.
  5. I finally got an 08 Bee thanks to TFMyriad! W00t!
  6. That looks pretty shwag.
  7. Man that is some great casting! You know the real movie wont have a cast that expensive. The Brittney Spears pic was hilarious.
  8. Yeah I love Pacman CE! I also have been playing the tar outta FATAL FURY SPECIAL! w00t!
  9. Same here Duke. LOL!
  10. I picked up Optimus Prime and Megatron at SDCC. Pretty cool. I talked to the USA division and I asked em about Votoms or SPT . He said maybe in the future. Cool.
  11. I just got a case from BBTS with Fallen,G1UM,and WW Megatron. I already had Fallen so I sold that one. Anyone need a WW Megatron I have a MISB spare.
  12. I saw her first at the Starbucks at the convention and she had a prostetic leg and then I saw her later with the Gun leg. Brilliant. She was very nice and friendly.
  13. There is also that 2 pack with 09 Bee and Voyager Optimus Prime.
  14. I played Bomberman on live for 5 hours last night. Buy it. Play it. Drink some beer/beverage and have some fun. Damn addicting!
  15. Just give it a few weeks. Once all the stores get thier big shipments in then buy one. People are just raping others on Ebay because that toy has just literally hit some US markets.
  16. Picked up RE4 on the Wii. I never finished it when I had my cube. I was just too distracted. Anyway, I am really diggin the Wii version. Nice aiming and for some reason I can get around better and I like the native WideScreen 480p Support.
  17. I think that their E3 show was pretty much what I expected. This is why I have to own the Wii and also the 360. I need the Wii for the Nintendo games and the very rare good 3rd party game.
  18. I cant wait for the US MP Starscream. Looks so good. I may buy two!
  19. After watching the movie a few times I needed a Starscream. I like the toy in bot mode. Jet he is still very fat. Fun toy though. I wouldnt mind if they made a bigger more movie accurate version myself.
  20. I still havent seen it. I kinda figured it wasnt going to be that good.
  21. I am more open minded about the animated show after the botcon reports. Classics returning is also awesome.
  22. I gotta say I was skeptical about it but it was great. Fun,funny,full of action and damn Peter Cullen is da Man!! Great adaptation. DVD purchase for sure.
  23. Its wonky that is for sure. For Transformers its almost too stylized. I will wait to pass judgement till I see it though.
  24. Okay I broke down and paid for the new Gears of War maps. I am so glad I did. The new maps are amazing. Anyone that wants to play hit me up. The patch also does wonders for the game now too.
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