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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. I hope its a new game or at least we can pick from 2 games. It will suck if I already have the game. So far today though it has been much better than the past 2 weeks.
  2. I really enjoyed both. I love Mospeada. Its one of my all time favorites and the original version is alot different in tone. Southern Cross is like an entire new show and honestly I think it was ahead of its time. I think had it come out in the late 80s it might have fared better.
  3. Got this for Christmas. Enjoyed it very much. The sound and picture are amazing! Damn I cant get over the sound. That almost made it an entirely new movie to me.
  4. So it wasnt just me. I really liked the first 2/3rds of the flick. After that it kinda fell apart. The Darkseekers also looked a bit too CGI rubbery for me.
  5. Animated was pretty cool. For me its better than G1 at least with the charicters. Not as good as Beast Wars though. Animation is good for that style. I am gonna watch the whole season before I give it final judgement. So far though it is better than any of the last 3 shows.
  6. Latley is a great time to be a TF fan. TF Animated looks great. IDW keeps rollin in great new stories and artists and developing a heck of a fanart community The Movie wasnt as bad as I thought and I actually really enjoyed it. The only downer is that its a long wait for the new Animated and Classics/Universe 2.0 lines
  7. OH man. That link to his 40 worst was hilarious.
  8. Bored at work and looked up Macross back in 2001 and found this place. Been here ever since.
  9. I dont know for sure but my buddy has been in Japan since June and he said the movie was a big deal there.
  10. Late to the party. Finally got around to Metroid Prime 3. Holy crap is this game awesome. Easily one of the best games I have played this year.
  11. I really really want this but man even the regular edition is quite pricey compared to the average US DVD. Yikes.
  12. I grabbed the Wii Zapper with Links Crossbow Training. Pretty damn fun. It just uses the ZTP engline and makes fun score based gun games out of it but its a blast. Also finally got around to Metroid Prime 3. Diggin that was well.
  13. Saw this today. Pretty cool. The dragon battle was amazing!
  14. Holy crap! Those look amazing. They even got the boots correct!!
  15. Yup in the G1 cartoon Starscream has a grey/silver nose and he has only the Decepticon logos on the wings that end up being upside down in bot mode. I love mine. One awesome toy.
  16. I got a US MPC Starscream. Havent had time to open it yet but it looks awesome. The animated prototypes are up @ tfw2005 and they look pretty cool.
  17. All I know is that I want the US Starscream more than any other toy right now. That will hold me off till the Animated figures hit next year.
  18. Going to check my walmarts today!
  19. Man I am tempted to get one of these with a Sanwa stick. Gonna run me close to $200 bones though! http://www.arcadeinabox.com/Scripts/prodVi...sp?idproduct=42
  20. Thats awesome Lonewolf. I just use an arcade stick myself but that is a great idea for some of the other XBLA games. I am always down to play some Halo 3. We should make a MW Halo 3 night.
  21. I love Jojo's! I have the Manga and DVDs and scanlations of what we cant buy here. I will check this out when I get home. Thanks!
  22. I have a launch unit that hasnt had one defect yet. *knocks on wood*
  23. I was really impressed with most of the movie figures. The Autobots especially were very well done. The Decepticons werent as great though.
  24. My set has been worth every penny of the $250 I paid for it. $40.00 is a steal. Heck I may order another one just to keep as backup at that price!
  25. Not 100% confirmed yet. Joel at BBTS is trying to get pics but he believes that will be Megatrons new colors.
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