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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. TFA was awesome on Saturday. Went out to do some shopping and saw Nightwatch Prime. Looks alot cooler in person but since I already have Leader Prime I cant justify the $40 bones.
  2. Were you there? I dont mean the toy I mean the BS that I had to go through to get one at the Con. It was ridiculous.
  3. Confirmed US San Diego 08 Exclusive to be Nemesis Prime Classics. http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/c...nfirmed-164278/ Man if it is like the fiasco last year for Hot Rod I may pass on this one.
  4. Great news!! I loved Gears of War.
  5. Finally got to play this. I have beated the first 2 bosses. So far I am loving it. Its very 8 bit design wise but also very fun.
  6. Negative. The Dreamwave Jetfire was alot closer to the Cartoon Skyfire. The Classics Jetfire is one that DON designed and used in the IDW Transformers Stormbringer. Hope that clears that up.
  7. I was blown away by everything but the Cybertron repaints. Poor Blaster. Talk about getting the shaft.
  8. I am just glad The Office is getting some more episodes. I love that show!
  9. The animated line so far is looking too good. Its gonna be an expensive year for TF fans!
  10. Here is my quick version of ZZ The first half is just silly and kinda fun. The second half finally picks up but IMO you can just skip the series and go from Z to CCA no problem.
  11. Agreed. Either way for me its all about the gameplay. Can it compete with Super Turbo,Alpha3 or Third Strike? If so then I am game.
  12. LOL. Pretty good Areaseven. Japanese Astrotrain looks cool but my US one is fine and costs 1/3 of what that will to get it to my house.
  13. Ummm. I dont know what to think of Powerglide. It looks mistransformed and the colors arent helping either. Yikes.
  14. I have energon Starscream and the Sams Club Armada Starscream. I like them both but overall the Energon one is more posable and less clunky.
  15. Where is my VR-041?!
  16. Wow! I think that Sunstreaker looks cool! I personally like easy and fun transformations. Even some of the alts are pretty fun like Hot Rod/Mirage,Windcharger but alot of them were too complex and it didnt make them any more posable. By far I think the Beast Wars figures are fun and very posable. Classics also had some great ones like Mirage! That guy can pose like no ones buisiness!
  17. Oh man I need No More Heroes!! First I gotta finish Mario Galaxy though.
  18. So far animated has been great. Episode 7 was awesome! SO far Ratchet,Bulkhead and Prowl have gotten some charicterization episodes now we need Prime and Bee to get some treatment.
  19. I love Alt Grimlock as well except for one thing. The 2 twist waist piece. Wow that is a pain in the butt sometimes! Other than that its a cool toy. I love the Classics Grimlock the most so far though.
  20. I liked Ghost Squad alot more. Check it out!
  21. The Dinobots are awesome. I cant wait to see em in action again.
  22. Don is also doing some other Mecha designs for former IDW Editor Dan Taylor. Looks like cool stuff. The Golden Disk theft video is pretty cool..ties right into the Dawn of Futures Past comic that ties into Episode 1 of Beast Wars season 1.
  23. I got mine from Kevin when they came out. Still in bot mode. I dont need an ogre sized P38. I actually wish he was just a large super-posable version that didnt transform.
  24. SO back to TF Animated. Episode 4 was interesting. It lays alot of groundwork for future story development. I didnt enjoy it as much as the pilot but it seems to be a seedling episode that will grow a forest. So far its not as good as Beast Wars (to me) but its much better than anything since then.
  25. I grabbed it for 15 at Gamestop a few months ago. Played it and its good looking but I just couldnt get into it. It seemed like Armored Core mixed with a Shoot em up. I just couldnt get into it myself but it had a neat idea. Mechs were kinda lame looking though.
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