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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. I really didnt expect for anyone to have the balls to remake THE Prisoner. It better have the Iron Maiden song as the title music.
  2. Season 1 hits in August. No date for Season 2 yet but you can watch em on Youtube.
  3. *insert long various mean cuss words here* :Sigh: I want one but I cant afford the stupid price it will commend.
  4. I would so buy that kit if LEGO released it.
  5. Yeah the Season 2 animated ending was awesome. I cant wait to see Season 3. Had no luck scoring new toys this weekend.
  6. I would love that Classics Magnus armor but the price is too much.
  7. I didnt care for Beast Wars at first. Years later I finally watched the show and nabbed some of the toys. It was the personality in both the show and the Toys that I got into. TF Animated has that going on in spades. Now if I could just get a Bumblebee that was a smidge smaller and slightly better designed.
  8. I am really tempted to get that VF-1A Max with FP. Dangit!!
  9. I got Voyager Prime last night as well. Mine is great. Good paint and hes solid. Axe isnt that great but he looks so good.
  10. Dammit Yamato. I dont need to buy more Valkyries.....I cant believe I just said that. 8 years ago I was killing people for old Bandai's lol!!
  11. I am playing GOW again. Traded in COD4 since no one plays anymore to get a copy of GRID. Pretty awesome.
  12. I liked it alot. It was just below IRONMAN in quality but it was plenty fun. The little bits of charicter are really what made it for me. I loved that Banner was learning Jujitsu. Martial Arts for the win.
  13. I picked up Animated Ratchet and Prowl this weekend. Both fiigures are great. Look just like the show with minimal cheating on Ratchet and they pose great. I was gonna hold out for Sidecar Prowl but he was so awesome in Fistful of Energon that I cracked. Glad I did. Great figure. One of the best so far.
  14. Bummer. He was great at making a cheap idea look real on the screen.
  15. Nope that is Voyager Prime. There is no leader Optimus...yet and I dont think we need one. There is that SUPREME one with all of the sounds and what not but he is too big. Check out the feedback section on the tfw2005.com boards as there are tons of comparison and reviews there.
  16. *If there is to be talk of Transformers 2 I would like SPOILER TAGS or a seperate thread* In toy hunting good news I got Voyager Cybertron Megatron. Pretty cool. Wish the arm cannon was held better though Voyager Grimlock. My brother found the only one in Tucson that I know of. Pretty awesome and definatley the best Grimlock to date. Deluxe Black Arachnia. Pretty much the best one made of her. Nice in both modes and I can just see the BW season 1 repaints coming for a Botcon or SDCC set. Deluxe Cybertron Optimus Prime. I was gonna pass on this guy. I mean I really want the Voyager one. After my friend bought my the Cybertron Megatron I figured I should get this Prime to square off. Seriously one great figure and I am glad I got him. SO far Animated is blowing me away. Best line since BW Transmetals for me.
  17. I enjoyed the theme of the movie and the idea but seriously the gore factor was crazy. It felt more like a horror movie(war is horror I know) than an action one. I still love the first 2 the best but this was pretty cool.
  18. So when can I get my 1/60 Max and Milia VF-22's? This toy looks great. I am gonna snag one when I got to Comic Con this year I think.
  19. Trailer is really bad but the game is gonna be awesome.
  20. I was at my local Walmart and they put out the first wave of Transformers Animated Deluxe figs! I freaked out and then after rationalizing I bought only one. Lockdown. Great toy. Easy to transform and he looks like the show but even I think a little better since there is a bit more detail on the toy. Very easy to pose as well. I have to say for only picking up one from this first wave I think I made a great choice. Wave 1 that I saw was Prowl Cybertron Prime Bumblebee Ratchet(if hes still there next week I may nab him too) Black Arachnia Lockdown
  21. Doesnt bother me. I have not bought any of their releases since they instigated those insane prices.
  22. $74.99?!!! frakk that man. That is insane. The damn toy is not worth more than $20 USD tops. I want a Thunder for my Classics but at this rate they can kiss my ass.
  23. Yeah Gears 2 looks fookin amazing!
  24. I am down with COD4/Gears of War or Guitar Hero III with anyone.
  25. My hope for this is that it stays true to the manga with a bit of modernization where it needs it. I love Golgo 13.
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