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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Oilslick and Lockdown are awesome. I love Snarlag but hes not too amazing. Lugnut kinda sucks,my bro got em and I wasnt impressed. Im with ya on the Thundercracker tip too!
  2. Osu! I passed. I dont want to be like Frank Dux he is a fraud! http://www.bullshido.com/articles/frank-dux-3.html I am sore all over and my shins are crying but I wouldnt trade it for nothing!
  3. Yeah Animated is pure win. I love the show and the toys. I am alot more picky with the Universe 2.0 line so far.
  4. I have a ranking test tonght. Been training hard all month for it since we do Kumite for ranks. Osu!
  5. Anyone want to make a homebrew Spartas kit? I dont have the skills to make it or cast it but I can help draw up the plans!
  6. Depending on how it turns out I will be nabbin that Omega Supreme. He was awesome in the show!
  7. Nice! Cant wait to see how it turns out.
  8. Technically Krav Maga is not a Martial Art but a Fighting Art. It doesn't teach you humility,spirit or friendship. It only teaches you how to fight.
  9. Sweet!
  10. A ton of shower scenes lol. Not too many scenes are gone its just so re-written and sometimes the episode is slightly re-editied. On a whole it makes alot more sense in the original SC version.
  11. Minor complaint but the shoulders look wonky! Other than that it looks pretty awesome.
  12. Ummm. I dont know what to say about that 1/32 line. Looks like one I dont need to get into. After the Alternator/Binaltech thing I will just stick to the main lines.
  13. Blitzwing is suppose to look like that. In TFA he actually scans a seperate Jet and Tank but the jet already looks pretty bulky. Now dont get me wrong it doesnt look as nice as the design E.J. Su did for the recent IDW Transformers comics but its fun.
  14. In the 13 best Manga reprint they did this year they tried to figure out his money. Its an obscene amount and they figure that he has to use alot of it to pay off the right people and to keep up with technology.
  15. Im with EXO. That Beagle looks so much better then the CM or MH ones. I am dyin over here! I wont nab it till they do Yellow though!
  16. Got season 1 of TFA. No extras but the video and sound are HQ. Saw a universe Onslaught but had to pass as I am low on the funds.
  17. Lets not talk about Edo. That guy ruined my day and I had to call Shawn to take care of it.
  18. Time to pump you up!

  19. I am still blown away at how much different Southern Cross is compared to its Robotech Masters version. Its dark and creepy and then Jeanne is just so whimsical lol!
  20. I saw it yesterday. Good but not great. The best parts were with the Clonetroopers fighting the droids.
  21. They really need to remake Star Saber. Neat idea but that toy is such a brick!
  22. Thats a great price! I got mine for $30 I think shortly after it came out. I am just now watching it for the second time all the way through.
  23. Yeah Southern Cross is so much better in the Japanese version. The story makes alot more sense and I love the quirky 80's anime tuneage!
  24. When I was a Kid I took a small brush and painted the grey pilot that came with my Green Gakken Alpha/Legioss to match Yellow/Lancer's armor colors. It looked awesome. Damn I wish I still had that toy.
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