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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. http://members.optusnet.com.au/~cyc01/ep.htm#23 Yeah they find her at the begining of the episode in a shadow colored Mospeada.
  2. Best wishes to you and your family!
  3. I got a used Too Human cheaply the other day. I love it. Fun fun fun!
  4. Sure Grimlock is not a complicated Transformer. The thing is with this MPC version he should look amazingly detailed and have posability that cant be matched! I cant wait.
  5. Damn I wish those were cheaper. It looks like it runs circles around my Toynami Legioss.
  6. I really hope MP Grimlock is true. I will get two!!
  7. I found an Acid Storm! Mine is fine though.
  8. So far the series is better than that Pilot movie. I like the play off on Dooku and Grevious.
  9. Whats the best cheap Blu-Ray movie to buy? I dont have any yet.
  10. Yeah I got the Xl and 3 STs on mine. I beat Wipeout Xl on PIRANA. But it has been years. Trying to get back in the groove with this one. Dont forget to add me to your PSN!
  11. That is the one I will buy. Sure the cloth looks wonky but the rest of that figure is pure win.
  12. Why are some of the time trial tracks in Wipeout HD friggen hard!!??
  13. Wow I am really glad I didnt shell out for a Henkei ThunderCracker. I think I will buy the Universe Starscream and take my Classics Starscream and paint him as TC.
  14. The Walmart by me had a SONY and Samsung BR player for $299 last week.
  15. Yeah my Wipeout took about 3 hours to DL but it is so awesome! Best one since XL I think. Cya guys online!
  16. Got Rockband 2 if anyone wants to jam!
  17. Just got a PS3. My PSN ID is ShinMilkManX
  18. Yeah those are some amazing customs!
  19. Mine Red Ringed a few weeks ago but total turnaround was about 9 days and I had a newer one with a quieter DVD drive. Im playing lots of GEARS and Samurai Shodown II on XBLA.
  20. Wow! Now that is probably a rare item. Cool score man!
  21. Found a Universe Galvatron. Hes quite kibbly but a great figure. Small but in scale with Rodimus Classics and Rodimus Prime Titanium.
  22. Dang Carl you always find cool stuff!!
  23. Yup I am waiting to see what the Toynami version of the Beagle is gonna cost myself.
  24. I would love if Skywarp and Thundercracker MPC's came over here. I doubt it though.
  25. Its sad to read. I was blown away by the article. Yeah as lame as Bloodsport is,it is still fun to watch but the real story would make an amazing movie too!
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