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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Got Street Fighter II HD Remix. In a word awesome.
  2. Got Silverstreak and Sideswipe Universe. Passed on Ironhide until I hear we get the fixed face.
  3. Disc has to be in the tray.
  4. Yeah I still need to beat Horde too! Man I gotta say the big surprise in awesomness is the Netflix service. I signed up for the trial and its so worth it. Easily worth the $8.99 for the unlimited streaming and unlimited one at a time DVD rentals. Add Blu Ray for $1.00 more a month. Awesome. Got HD streams of The Office.
  5. That looks great! Havent seen one here yet.
  6. I really got into Gears1. I think I beat it at least 3 times and I knew what it was about. The first time though you are kinda lost in this new place. Gears2 does a better job of explaining it within the game context itself and doesnt leave so much unanswered but it brings up a bunch more questions.
  7. The Ramones doing a cover of "Surfin Bird" by the Trashmen is my ringer.
  8. I beat GOW2 on Saturday. Awesome. I have so many theories! I also picked up the GOW novel so I will dive into that this week.
  9. I am loving Gears2 and so do all my friends that play it online. I love that it is more tactical. I dont miss the shotgun dances at all. Viva la Gears2!!
  10. Cant wait to see more final MPC Grimlock pics. Looks awesome.
  11. Im sticking with Rockband 2. The tour is really good and from what I saw of the GHIV SP mode it looked alot more messy.
  12. They were dubbed when I played it at SDCC 08 already. Ryu has a pretty bad english voice.
  13. I was interested in GHWT but so far most reviews say its good but if you already have RB2 then you may not need it. Mainly its the career mode that is botched compared to RB2. Gears 2....11 days.
  14. I am in the RESISTANCE 2 Beta. Anyone else? Add me if you want to do some Co-Op or MP.
  15. Gears 2 is probably all I will play for online MP fraggin.
  16. I can agree that the "transformation" is not complex. Is that okay with me. Hell yeah. I actually hate overly complicated TF's. What I care about with this one is posability. He should have it in spades since the transformation is simple.
  17. LMAO. They would be huge!!
  18. Oh man its gonna be expensive this year! The new Animated Molds look awesome!!
  19. Bah! Play GOW anyway. You will adjust and then love it.
  20. Oh yes! The watercolor too. I am really not into the slick computer coloring. Even watching the SC anime recently with the gorgeous hand water colored back grounds makes these newer CG made shows look generic.
  21. There is a run of the 60gb PS3's that did have Blu Ray drive problems but the failure rate is tiny(3%) compared to the RROD on a 360(65% failure!)
  22. Yeah I will be playing again tonight!
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