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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. 1.) Reguardless of the actor this Conan will fail with the real Conan fans. If you want the Howard Conan then run for this hills. This is another Hollywood Origin story. Boo. 2.) Red Sonja is a character that Roy Thomas tweaked from REH's fiction to make a sword and sorcery Heroine. The character was loosely based on Red Sonya of Rogatino in Robert E. Howard's short story "The Shadow of the Vulture" (The Magic Carpet, January 1934), which Roy Thomas rewrote as a Conan story for Marvel Comics Conan the Barbarian #23 (1973). Thomas also somewhat based Red Sonja on another Howard character, Dark Agnes de Chastillon, a sword woman in 16th-century France.[1] Red Sonja is somewhat different from Robert E. Howard's original Red Sonya. Besides tweaking the spelling of her name, Thomas transformed her from a sword- and pistol-wielding supporting character of the late Renaissance into a sword-wielding heroine of Conan's prehistoric Hyborian Age. Blah.
  2. Same here!
  3. Graphically its pretty competent but its not gonna blow up your skirt. If you like multiplayer dungeon crawlers then grab it. Halo ODST came out and I should be playing tonight!
  4. I have to agree. I enjoyed it but it is flawed. I think it probably got mishandled at some point as the studio wants to get that soccer mom money that this film just isnt really about.
  5. Yeah I still need to nab Shadow Complex. Lately Sacred 2 sucks up most of my time. This weekend is another Gears of War 2 Double XP fest with Special Horde fun!
  6. I am so bummed that we are not getting the Beagle Yellow Belmont.
  7. I enjoyed it. I havent read all of the books yet. My wife was dissapointed at some details that were left out but overall she liked it too. If you liked the other HP films then its a nice addition. My favorites are still 2 and 3 as far as the movies.
  8. That was pretty neat! I would love to see a redone G1 show like that but with a better story.
  9. So far all I have gotten from ROTF is Voyager Fallen and Deluxe Sideswipe. Both are pretty awesome.
  10. Man I want that Prime and Jetfire combo. I picked up the Voyager Fallen. Awesome toy! I think I will get Fab Longhaul as it looks more like the film to me than that Voyager version.
  11. Well. I knew what I was in for. Same as the first but with more. Thats what you get. There are some awesome awesome fights and effects. Not much of a story but its a bit more than the first. Lots of bots! Its action packed and doesnt let up for a minute. Is it Citizen Kane? No. Not even close. Is it fun? Hell yes! If you liked the first one you should check it out.
  12. GUNSTAR HEROES on XBLA! 5 bucks with online co-op!! Go Go Go!
  13. Okay so I have been playing the Sonic Ultimate Sega Genesis Collection. Awesome. Also grabbed CONAN for 12.99 used at Gamestop. Pretty cool brawler in the Ninja Gaiden school of design. I want to try that Sacred 2! I am dying for an online mp co-op like PSO back in the day. No monthly fee either!
  14. Yeah I love the movie! I prefer it to the OVA's! I do miss a few scenes but overall the Movie works better for me.
  15. Oh dammit! I havent bought any Valkyries for a couple years but these 2 are must owns! So far they are good though? No shoulder damages?
  16. The VF-22 is really tempting but i would be sold if I could get an M&M set.
  17. So you guys probably havent seen this on the main sites or possibly even heard of it. In the late 90's there were some great vertical shooters called Raiden Fighters. I use to play it at the Student Union every weekend. Well now you can play it on your 360 with online leaderboards! You get all 3 games in the series with loads of video options and perfect emulation for the low cost of $20!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raiden_Fighters_(series) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raiden_Fighters_Aces http://www.amazon.com/Raiden-Fighter.....;/dp/B001PA0FBS http://www.gamestop.com/Catalog/Prod...oduct_id=74040 Overall if you are a fan of balls to walls shooters with loads of enemies and 90's techno then this is for you! Shooter fan rating 9/10 Casual fans probably wont like it nearly as much.
  18. Uggghh! Where is a Beagle Yellow Belmont!?
  19. I am so glad I bought my Votoms set from them years ago. Too bad no one else will bring anymore Votoms to the US. RIP CPM! Except you MD Geist. You stay dead!
  20. Virtual On came out wednesday. If you are a mecha junkie this is the game to play! It kinda reminds me of the 3d Macross game Max and Milia play in Macross lol.
  21. LOL! I had such hopes for that show as a teen. Man it was terrible. Maybe if it had come out before WB had their Batman Animated it might have impressed me but it didnt.
  22. Brawl was always a Decepticon. http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Brawl_(G1) I think you are confusing him with Brawn who was a jeep. http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Brawn_(G1) Also the Bay hate has been done to death. If you hate him then fine but unless you have anything constructive then stay outta this thread. Thanks.
  23. Hopefully soon Apollo. Hope the job situation remedy's soon as well.
  24. Wow! That is some love there!
  25. Kid Corrupt made one years ago. I dont know if his site is still up but he doesnt come here anymore.
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