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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. I just hope,pray,that Snake Eyes is more in military gear ala the new POC figure and not that horrible rubber suit he had in the last film..
  2. Yup I agree. The movie was enjoyable because of Momoa. The bad script is only made worse by that hack of a director.
  3. That line is taken way out of its original meaning from the books. Don't discredit the original from this B grade film we got.
  4. I really enjoyed it. I like the fact that they built up to the story and you got to learn a bit about the characters as opposed to most summer movies that just blow crap up and have zero characterization.
  5. Thanks to a local member on Hisstank I got a Snake Eyes 1101 for retail! Awesome.
  6. Yeah I don't really collect G.I. Joe but as a huge fan of the comic book I buy the better looking Snake Eyes figures when they come out.
  7. Dammit why is the Snake Eyes POC 1101 so dang hard to find. It is a sea of Destros and Dukes around here.
  8. I sure hope it stays closer to the spirit of the G.I. Joe that I love. That first movie looked okay and then I watched it...wow. What a stinker.
  9. I think the 82 Conan the Barbarian is a great movie. It is just not the actual character Conan as was written by the original writer. It is actually closer to his character KULL ( that also had a terrible movie made..) The screenplay had been redone a number of times. By the time Milius got to it he added some of his own ideals and his fondness of Akira Kurosawa films. The score is also fantastic. Still it is not Conan as Robert E Howard wrote him. A Epic movie though. This new film is trying to be closer to the original source material although not based any any of the written stories it has parts of them. Yeah that 'new metal' music has to be placeholder. I just hope when it comes out people get to see a closer version of the book Conan.
  10. The best versions are the new DEL Ray reprints. http://www.amazon.com/Coming-Conan-Cimmerian-Original-Adventures/dp/0345461517/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1307478343&sr=8-2 http://www.amazon.com/Bloody-Crown-Conan-Cimmeria-Book/dp/0345461525/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1307478343&sr=8-3 http://www.amazon.com/Conquering-Sword-Conan-Cimmeria-Book/dp/0345461533/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1307478343&sr=8-7 All the original REH stories. None of the crap filler and re-editing that De Camp and Lin Carter did. Also with new illustrations by some great artists like Mark Shultz and Gary Gianni.
  11. That's okay. I find it hard to believe that you read the books based on that. It is pretty obvious you did not. TO call the literary Conan by Robert E Howard one dimensional in comparison to the very one dimensional Milus version is pretty strange. I just prefer my Conan with brains,better stories,hotter women,greater villains and a better narrative free from Nietzsche cliches and samurai movie add ins.
  12. I am very glad for the US Rodimus. 1.) I keep mine in bot mode anyway so the winnebago will not be missed. 2.) cheaper Win/Win for me.
  13. Except for the fact that the 82 Conan movie has almost nothing to do with the original Conan character created by Robert E. Howard... Look the 82 Conan movie is a great fantasy film. It is just not the real Conan.
  14. I watched the first 3 OVA's Last Red Shoulder The Big Battle Roots of Ambition. These were are pretty good and fill in gaps in the original story or just add a bit more backstory to it. Next up is Armor Hunter Mellowlink which seems to be in the same tone. I watched some previews for the very most recent batch of Votoms OVA's and they look a little too cute to be Votoms.
  15. I wish they had either MSIA versions of Votoms mechs or Revoltechs.
  16. Man I wish I had the spare change for this! http://cgi.ebay.com/Takara-Votoms-Armored-Trooper-SCOPEDOG-1-48-macross-/200586218779?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eb3decd1b
  17. Props for an actual quote from the real Conan stories by Robert E. Howard. The rest...not so much.
  18. So it seems like all the big Votoms merch is dead. No more Yamato 1/12's or Takara 1/18's? No more Bandai 1/20 kits. Seems like the Votoms fever cooled down in Japan again..
  19. I am playing Marvel vs Capcom 3 on 360. Also playing Two Worlds 2,Halo Reach,and Gears of War 2.
  20. I have not watched any of the OVA's other than the Last Red Shoulder. I am kinda scared too. I love the original show so much..
  21. I have not seen the trailer for the prequel but I hope it is good. I love the JC Version.
  22. I am gonna chime in here. Yes Bruce was amazing. Physically very capable and a great Martial Artist. The greatest? Maybe but we will never know for sure. He upped the game and people took that in arms. There were many others during his time also but they were busy seeking their own paths. People like Mas Oyama,the founder of Kyokushin. His Legacy is that he showed people what Martial Arts could be in FILM.
  23. Recently watching Votoms again. I love this universe. Anyway I still need a 1/12 Yamato Chirico. Also what is the "best" Japanese Votoms Design/Art book to get? Votoms OVA's? Anyone want to help me get some?
  24. not here as often as I would like...

  25. Shinobi No Mono 1 and 2 are excellent but it starts getting cheesy after that.
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