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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. LOL! Ahh. Did they make a Max VF-1A TV version in the 1/60 v2? Then I would get one.
  2. Thanks! I had no idea they were subcontracting work. Same thing happened on the US Batman Animated series.. Either way it's funny how Macross can look phenominal one episode and then very flat and off in another. Not as consistant as others of the era.
  3. No rush but when you get back I would love to get a copy. Thanks.
  4. Sorry but does anyone have a copy of the IMAI files? The site was taken down by HG...
  5. Ahhh Pineapple Salad. Great episode. Also one not done by Animefiend thank goodness. Roy was just too much of a tough guy..
  6. Whatsss thissss a mannn and a wooomann? I love that silly dub.
  7. I never got to get one of these kits. Shawn and I use to just drool looking at the pics. Anyone build one yet?
  8. Nice! I will probably watch DYRL and the Plus movie after I finish with my Animeigo TV set(just finished ep12 last night) Then it will be onto Mospeada for its 30th next year!
  9. Anyone build those new Wave Legioss kits? How is it?
  10. Not to cause too much necromancy but I never got a 1/60 v2. Seems like if I don't transform mine much at all and currently am happy with my Yamato VF-1 V1 Max and Milia then I don't need a V2?
  11. Yeah I have a copy of the Japanese release. Just wanted to see if we were going to actually have a real US version. Good ol HG. Dragging its feet on the good stuff and blocking the other good stuff...
  12. Dammit. I am trying to resist the urge to buy a CM Legioss and Tread set. I want something that will not break. I have a Green Toynami Alpha and leave it in its box. May sell it here since I dont want to mess with it. Seems like all the Ride Armors are either pricey or garbage. Any more word on that Love Live Alive? I am assuming it will be a Robotech only version. Would be nice if they let us have the Mospeada audio with subs on there too.
  13. I really liked Ponyo. That is the kind of movie my daughter will probably wear out around the house when she gets a bit older(she just turned 1)
  14. Man it is a tough call. Nausicaa has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid and saw the heavily edited Warriors of the Wind on HBO(taped that and wore out the VHS) 2nd would be Lupin. Tie for 3rd would be Porco Rosso and Laputa. Even the worst Miyazaki films beat many others.
  15. Yeah I saw that Megahouse looks nice. Looks like they are no longer availible though.
  16. Is the only Yellow Blow Superior Ride Armor this one? Brave Gokin 18 - Mospeada Ride Armor "Yellow" type How is it? I am probably just going to set it up and not really transform it. Based on this review it is garbage? http://www.collectiondx.com/toy_review/2008/vr052t_mospeada_ride_armor_ley_type Why did Beagle show no Yellow Belmont love?
  17. It would be interesting to see the BluRay. What I find wih older shows like anime that was made for TV is that they look weird in high def. It is not like film that is already higher res than Blu Ray so it looks good. I mean the Akira Anime on blu ray looked good since it was made on 35mm. Macross though was 16mm and cheaply made at that. So for my purposes the US Animeigo DVD set looks great. Now that is running on my Bluray Player that is upscanning it to 1080p. Colors look good and I really like how Animeigo does their sub titles.
  18. Wow. I have not watched my Animeigo set in years. Probably over 5 years by my count. 1.) It looks pretty damn good upscanned on my 42 Plasma. 2.) Forgot how awesome the subs are. 3.) Forgot how much I love the original show!! Carry on!
  19. The first time I watched it I was having a hard time with it. I mean I have read that story about 100 times easy. I know each panel and the dialogue. So I was a bit too close to the source upon first viewing. I did like the music and animation though. I watched it again last night. Now that I have seen it and understand that the slight changes make sense. They are to make it animated and not a radio play with pictures it really works. Can't wait for part 2!
  20. I am sad to find that getting Jackie Chan movies on Blu Ray is a pain in the butt if you want the uncut HK originals..
  21. It has been way too long since I have watched my Animeigo 1982 SDF Macross DVD's! I will do that!
  22. I loved Expendables 2. Did everything the first but better. I only wish someone had a fight scene...
  23. I knew if this were to ever get done for animation there would be changes. So far though it looks 99% accurate to the book and that is sweet. I will be buying this for sure.
  24. Me too. Thinking of a 3rd viewing myself!
  25. I am so glad the original Capcom game is coming to XBL and PSN. I hope we get the new animation stateside! I have the DVDs of the Jojo part 3 animation and the Manga.
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