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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. That is the recast hand for the Legioss right? Is it possible to just make it open enough for the Gunpod? I know mine can't hold the gun for nothing(that's why it stays in Armo Fighter mode...) While you are at it how about some better Landing Gear that we can just attach?
  2. Awesome! I hear ya my daughter is 14 months old today.
  3. Its on my to rewatch list. Right now is SDF Macross. Then Mospeada and then Southern Cross!!
  4. More please! Some great stuff in here!!
  5. I still need a copy of the THIS IS ANIMATION Southern Cross. If anyone has one to sell let me know. I love this show. Sure its not Mospeada or Macross but it was pretty out there...
  6. Yeah... I saw the trailer and I dunno. Could be fun but it looks like they are hamming it up quite a bit.
  7. I like to keep this around for close encounters..
  8. Looks pretty awesome. I will be going to see it that first weekend it is out.
  9. Yeah its that bad that it is hilarious. I like all the "metal shavings/glare" that just runs across the frame..
  10. What is going on with Robotech toys? I am not one to really care except since I love Mospeada and that is dead in Japan this is my only way to get new/better stuff? I fear after all the neat stuff we got in the past few years not really setting a trail that the 30th Anniversary of Mospeada will be sad. Probably just IMAI model kit reissues and that Wave Armo Soldier kit.
  11. Made it through Virgin Road. Man that is still hard to watch. Got through the big battle and now we are in my not so favorite episodes of the series.
  12. I guess if I waited 12 years for the kit to get done I can wait a few more till someone builds it....
  13. Yeah I would have loved to have this as well. Been here since he started the project many years ago but with house and kid now it was out of the question. So someone please show us pics!!!
  14. "GET THE BOOBY DUCK!" Has some of the best lines too. "Bust of about 85cm,will expand when unwrapped.." LMAO.
  15. Just finished "Goodbye Girl" Great episode and one that is animated well. Nice after 2 shoddy looking episodes in a row. Of course up next is "Virgin Road" which has some of the worst animation in Macross history.
  16. SO I went to my storage and found my Toynami Alpha. It was the Red one. I for some reason thought I had a Green one. Anyway its actually not too bad. Transforms ok. Bit floppy in Diver and Soldier but fine in fighter mode. Landing gear not so good. My only real QC issue is that vertical fins were mounted wrong. They can angle inward but not outward so they were put on backwards... Also found my Alpha Morphers. Those were actually pretty cool.
  17. Dang it I will make it again! Its been 10 years!! Shazam time flies!
  18. So can someone build one already? I would love to see one in Fighter mode!!
  19. Yes! Thanks VF5SS!!
  20. Amazon,DVD Planet,Right Stuff,Animeigo direct and then if all else fails Ebay. I will DL if I am forced too(Mospeada LLA,Votoms OVAs not released here Etc..)
  21. The 1/48's looked pretty good but kind of pricey for that size. Been tempted a few times.
  22. John is there any way you ended up building one of your own kits? With lots of pics?!
  23. Good Stuff. I have a Yamato 1/12 and a bunch of smaller ones. I really wish the DMZ's would come back into production and/or Revoltech made some. With Votoms I would love little super posable guys...
  24. Wow. That is nice.
  25. Yeah I just checked. Dangit. I need a Tread/Legioss combo first. Then maybe I will get a Max TV VF-1A.
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