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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. I doubt we will see anything new. I bet for the 30th Anniversary they will just reissue the same old model kits and maybe the Aoshima and CM Legioss and Treads. The USA/Robotech front is even dead it seems for new Mospeada stuff.
  2. I am pretty sure they said you have to swap the nose for the transformation so we knew the legs were doing to detach.
  3. So watching the show again. It starts kind of slow. The music is also really good but certain battle scenes they play this kind of weird laid back music. About episode 6-7 it starts to pick up the pace. Animation is really consistent like Mospeada. Never gets to the level of say Pineapple Salad from Macross but it also does not suffer from the plague of Virgin Road.....
  4. Yeah. I mean I always dug the designs of the characters is Mospeada but I think for me it was his art that was in the US Final Fantasy 1 strategy guide put out by Nintendo Power in 1987? I think.
  5. Interview with Amano. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interview/2012-10-29/interview-yoshitaka-amano He started working there at 15?! I got him to sign my Mospeada Graffitti book at SDCC 2008/9? He was surprised to see as his translator put it " old anime show book"
  6. I am still loving this game. Between Spartan Ops and Multiplayer Big Team or Oddball I am having too much fun.
  7. I just finished watching the series and I want to say in the last 2 episodes you see that it does have a built in sensor for targeting. No built in armaments though.
  8. Yeah that is a strange let down. I will probably get it eventually if the price is right.
  9. Finished my run of Mospeada(have not watched the whole show since the 2nd viewing after I got the DVD set...) Now onto Southern Cross(which I only watched all the way through once) Then I will get back into some Votoms with Armor Hunter Mellowlink.
  10. I have probably watched that close to 200 times and it is still amazing. I am currently trying to find a 16:9 Anamorphic DVD of it. The one I have is 4:3 letterbox.
  11. Well that is more of a re-make really I guess. I want a new show that is set during that era but new characters and scenarios.
  12. I had a thought as the Macross World FB page put up a nice shot of "Vermillion Squad" Why have they never made a Macross side story? You know like Gundam has done(08th MS Team,0080,Etc) Set during the space war. We could see key battles from their perspective? I would love it. A show focused on the mecha/jet fights would be cool? Maybe even about a squad of serious guys like Chirico from Votoms..
  13. I install any game I know I will be playing for hours at a time. So Halo 4 both discs are installed.
  14. Looks pretty awesome. Can they be molded in Grey?
  15. I am not a fan of the real gun games. I will be on Halo 4 MP for the foreseeable future with breaks for Borderlands 2 DLC and Gears of War 3/Judgement.
  16. Still sad there is no VR-041 Beagle...
  17. Let me know about your CM Legioss/Treads and ride armors(any kind). Thanks.
  18. I am down for some MP anytime if you see me on XBL. Just send a message.
  19. Yeah I think in about a total of 3 episodes he has that Gun. Just finished watching NY Bebop. Last 3 episodes to go on my been too long Mospeada Marathon.
  20. I am loving this game. Even the campaign feels like there is more at stake than ever. Just got done with my first major skirmish with the Promethean. Nasty buggers.
  21. There is not all that much to the story. You are a super powered mechanically enhanced soldier caught in intergalactic conflict. You have guns and get to shoot aliens/other Spartans.(Multi-Player) I say hop on board!
  22. So far I think this is the best Halo since Halo CE. Single Player is good so far but the Multi player had me addicted last night! Big Team Slayer is fun again and there is MECHA! Yeah. Add me for fun and talk of beer and anime/comics while fragging.
  23. Anyone playing Halo 4? I will be on tonight for many hours...
  24. Thanks Duke. Nice find.
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