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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. The new maps are really neat. Some great games in the map pack playlist last night.
  2. Supposedly this is his last super stunt action film. I don't blame him. He nearly died making the first one! I will go see this for sure.
  3. I saw the film 3 times in the theater. The first time I could hear Bane perfect. Then I saw IMAX the second time and the sound mix was weird and I could not hear Bane at all. The 3rd time was regular again but the sound was again messed up. On the Blu Ray the sound is very nice and I had no problems. It was just like the first time I saw it.
  4. My main Load out is BR/Prom Pistol/Frags/Prom Vision I also use one with DMR/AR/Sticky/Prom Vision I pretty much only use those two but I have a few others.
  5. I still like the BR but I find the DMR/AR a better option MOST of the time. Anyone else think Spartan Ops week 6 Episode 1 is tough? I died 3 times yesterday on that.
  6. Well YMMV. I know on my 32" it was not so apparent. Once I got a 42" it is like night and day. Now with Blu Ray players under $100USD and the movies in the $10-20 USD range Blu Ray is now a no brainer.
  7. I watched the special features and the opening scene. The Blu Ray is fantastic. I forgot how much I loved that opening scene with Bane.
  8. Yeah you need a 42" or bigger to really get noticeable quality. When I had my 32 I said the same thing. Upgraded to a 42" and it was a big enough jump. Plus Blu Ray is cheap now.
  9. I am very excited to see this. I am still worried about it being 3 movies. I could easily have seen two 2-2.5 hour films but 3 of them? Not too sure. I am gonna go check it out when it opens. I have recently re-read the book twice in the past month.
  10. Zeta does take awhile but it is so worth it. I need to check out Unicorn..
  11. I am gonna grab the Blu Ray today.
  12. Yeah there is a Southern Cross hovercycle on Ebay right now. Expensive! I never saw that kit. Back in the early 90's a local model shop had a ton of the Soldier kits.
  13. I should be on tonight.
  14. Which is both good and bad. I dunno it looks too much like I am watching the actual animation process since you can see the cel sheets on 16mm Blu Ray releases. For me the DVD of the Animeigo release still looks pretty nice upscanned on my 42 HDTV.
  15. Sorry Benson I was in a full game last night and I crashed out shortly after.
  16. Overall still a good show. Starts slow and kind of silly..much like ZZ Gundam. By about episode 10 it kicks into the real story. You can tell near episode 18-20 they had to wrap it up. The end is pretty sudden. If I have one complaint it is that some of the battle music is just not....battle enough. Seems more like 70's disco club. In some ways the Japanese release is superior but without its integration into Robotech I would have never seen it and the changes were there to facilitate that story.
  17. I can't wait for this movie! Looks like a lot of fun.
  18. Probably not. With the various rights issues only the US Release Macross uses the Animeigo restore and the the Japan/Asia release is the Bandai restore. For the same reason we will never see the Bandai Blu Ray of SDF Macross either.
  19. Looking good except for the Backpack sits kind of high. I want to see Battroid pics..
  20. I about crap a brick as it took 2 sticky grenades each to kill those generals! Gah!
  21. Man. That is generally when I am getting ready to crash out! Well if I see ya we can play.
  22. Bam. Someone already had the screencaps! http://www.robotechresearch.com/picture_archive/Mospeada/Mecha/VR_038_Bartley_Cyclone/out.html
  23. Benson! I will try to play with ya tonight. Look for me around 10-11 EST.
  24. Add me! Or message me. I love to play Halo 4. I am game for Spartan Ops or MP!
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