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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Hoptimus

    Lego Anyone?

    Wow that is cool. Nice work!
  2. I only buy Plasma. I like black to be black and I prefer the fast refresh rate. Gaming wise I have had no problems on my Panasonic 42" plasma with any games on my Xbox 360 or using it for my Mac.
  3. This clip has me excited for this. Looks much more in line with the G.I. Joe comics from the 80's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdYJB55cZzI&feature=player_embedded
  4. Yeah it is unfortunate that they did not tool the Legioss/Alpha just a bit more. Better parts and a better fit and it would be an amazing toy. Proportionally to me it is much better then the CM Legioss. Tread/Beta is kind of a tie. The Toynami one is more to scale and has a more show accurate connection mechanism, but the CM Tread is more accurate to the lineart with the extra missile bays and the poses it can generate.
  5. Yes a retool/Remaster of the Toynami Alpha would be great. I like my CM Legioss because of its durability but it is a floppy mess of a fighter.
  6. Actually I think the whole SDF2 came up so that they have a reason for the 3 mounds in Robotech Masters. 1 mound is the SDF1,SDF2,and Khyron's ship.
  7. Looking good. Looks like fun and a good story arc. Now when do we get Demon in a bottle Tony?
  8. Turn game mode off. Any extra processing in the TV makes for weird lag. My friend has a Samsung 43" Plasma and it works great.
  9. Captain Global smoked a pipe not cigars but I see what you did there...
  10. Yeah the guy at Classic Game Room is a huge Aliens fan and even he is disappointed by it.
  11. That is what the report button is for. I just happened to check in here since Robotech usually attracts the trolls. Thanks.
  12. Looking good. Still wondering if this will be like an HGUC or MG style or a base color only.
  13. Alright alright. Enough trolling folks. Move on.
  14. Not a bad kit as long as you are ready to give it some TLC.
  15. That is the winning post of 2013 early!!
  16. So when are we gonna get the full super pic spread?!
  17. Yup. Mospeada has been in my heart since 1985.
  18. Back on TOPIC please. Move any discussion on the Toynami Alpha/IMAI kit to the Mospeada thread. Thanks.
  19. Yeah what I remember about ZZ is it starts silly and gets pretty good in the early 20's episodes. Still not my favorite Gundam by a long shot though.
  20. Wow! From the man himself!!!
  21. Yeah I will get back on that..
  22. It looks to me like it was a badge that the second attack group (Stick's/Scotts) group would have had on their uniforms.
  23. That was on their schedule but now I am not sure if we will get it.
  24. That is awesome.
  25. Those Cad pics are looking pretty good. Nose seems a tad short but I like it. They fixed the backpack.
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