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Everything posted by Hoptimus

  1. Like I said before I love my Xbox 360 but this Xbone crap is garbage. None of those exclusives change my mind about owning a supreme DRM juggernaut. Battlefront could be awesome. Please SONY no crazy DRM. Thanks.
  2. An opinion piece but a good one. http://www.polygon.com/2013/6/7/4406170/xbox-one-internet-trade-policy
  3. It is just so Anti Consumer. I order to fight piracy they would rather crap on all of us. Well screw that. I don't need that kinda stuff.
  4. I have really enjoyed my Xbox and Xbox360 but I will not be buying an Xbone. I hope SONY is not doing this crap on the PS4 or I will go live in the mountains.
  5. Also the business model is so different now for Anime. I don't get it at all anymore.
  6. Looks like a fun "KIT" to me. I like to mess around with models and so far there has not been a really well made variable VF-1 Model.
  7. Gah! That video makes me want that.
  8. Now we are talking. That looks much better. Still waiting on Final pics to pull the trigger.
  9. Uhhhh. No. The Landsay/Gakken Tread has literally no articulation or Detail. The Toynami is really well made(Their only good Variable product). The only area where the CM Tread beats the Toynami is the waist/knee joints and the hidden missiles and Cockpit in Battroid. Toynami is the proper scale to the 1/55(1/60) Alpha/Legioss also.
  10. Before the CM and Toynami Tread's were out that old Gakken/Landsay Tread would catch a mint on Ebay.
  11. Looks good. I don't remember much about the second film other than it was too much/big for what they ended up with. Like it was suppose to be two films.
  12. Ummm. Yeah. So I am a little disappointed. I think though if it is parts molded color like MG Gundam kits than I may still be in but not looking likely...
  13. I saw it. I liked it but I did not like it as much as Avengers or Iron Man 2. I did like how they "split" the story with the antagonist.
  14. Yes! This is hilarious. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VxLX3RnGu7U
  15. Yes I am hoping that too but it will probably just come white.
  16. There is a mission early on that is a direct homage to the 1986 classic Aliens. So awesome.
  17. Yeah the tutorial was funny. The Blood Dragons are scary and awesome. I got through the first garrison and did one of the optional missions too.
  18. Fighter mode looks pretty close to the master file. Tail fins look a bit short but otherwise pretty nice.
  19. Played the first 10 minutes this morning. So fun and so funny!
  20. I still think in a MG/PG format they could pull off a nice Variable VF-1. Now at that point it will cost as much or more than Yamato's but part of the fun of MG/PG kits is the build up/customization.
  21. Oh wow. You are making me blow a Mospeada load here. Nice!!
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